【娇点英语】截肢超模女孩 | A Double Amputee Girl

【娇点英语】截肢超模女孩 | A Double Amputee Girl

2020-12-28    02'37''

主播: 娇点英语

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娇点英语 主播:Nina Zhan 娇娇 (美国)12岁 【序言】有个女孩儿,正走在世界著名的T台上,向着超模的目标冲刺。仔细的观众,会发现她的腿与众不同。是的,她从儿时就是一个双截肢的残障人。孩子是爸爸妈妈的心肝宝贝,谁不愿看到刚刚出生的宝宝健全和健康呢。面对天生残疾的孩子,父母没有放弃,这个顽强的孩子也没有放弃自我。在假肢上,她和正常的孩子站在了同一个起跑线上。在这个赛程中,一个靠着假肢前行的女孩,其艰辛可想而知:受到磨难的不仅仅是身体,还有其精神。然而,孩子不气馁、家长不放弃、社会不排斥,给这个女孩的成长并实现其改变世界的梦想,铺平了道路。不让孩子输在起跑线上,是很多家长的口头禅,甚至是奉为神明的信条。希望这个视频和诵读,会带给您一些有益的启迪。 A Double Amputee Girl This 9-year-old girl Is the first child double amputee To walk in New York fashion week. She walks on the runway To spread her message: "Anything is possible." Daisy-May Demetre from Birmingham, UK Was born with parts of the fibula bone in her leg missing. Her legs were amputated when she was just 18 months old. She was in horrendous pain. Her family all braced and shared the same pain as her. But the surgery was a success, And she grew up to be a healthy, energetic girl, Who inspired and changes the whole family. "Now it's really positive and it's all about the positive side, But no one sees the bad times and whatever else we went through." - her dad said. After receiving her prosthetic legs, Daisy learned to walk, run, and do complex exercises. Despite looking different from her peers, Daisy doesn't let her condition hold her back. She is unfazed. "She is inspirational, she is full of energy, nothing will stop her ever in life." --Daisy's father said. She started to model at eight for many different brands. On September 8, 2019, she walked For the luxury children's line Lulu et Gigi Couture. After this, she is also set to model At the top of the Eiffel Tower at Paris Fashion Week. She dreams of becoming a supermodel in the future. Her parents believe she was born to make a great difference: "She is going to be the most famous double amputee on this planet And I believe that to be true." 双截肢超模小姑娘 这个9岁的女孩 是第一个参加了纽约时装周 的双重截肢儿童 她走在T台上 向世界传达这样一个信息: “事事皆有可能。” 黛西梅·德美特来自英国伯明翰 刚出生,她的腓骨就有些残缺 只有18个月大时,双腿就被截掉 她极其痛苦 这样的痛苦,她的家人竭尽全力与其分担 手术十分成功 她长大后成为一个健康活泼的女孩, 并以其精神面貌改变了整个家庭 “现在的一切进展顺利,而这积极一面的背后 是人们无法看到我们经历的艰难困苦。”孩子的父亲如是说。 收到假肢后, 黛西学会了走路,跑步以及复杂的运动 尽管自己样子异于同龄人 但黛西从来也没有退缩。 她没有灰心丧气 “她鼓舞人心,充满活力,生命中没有羁绊。” -戴西的父亲说。 从八岁开始她成为许多不同的品牌的模特 在二零一九年九月八日,她走上了 豪华儿童系列的Lulu et Gigi Couture 此后,她也会在艾菲尔铁塔的顶部 开幕的巴黎时装周走秀 她的梦想是将来成为一个超模 她的父母相信,她生来就要影响这个世界 “她会成为这个星球上最著名的双重截肢者 我相信这事儿有谱。”