【娇点英语】更换电池 | Changing Batteries

【娇点英语】更换电池 | Changing Batteries

2021-01-22    13'23''

主播: 娇点英语

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【娇点英语】更换电池 | Changing Batteries 主播:娇娇 Nina Zhan (美国) One ordinary afternoon, Granny was relaxing at the table drinking tea, Suddenly she heard someone knocking at the door, Breaking the silence that was in the house for a long time. 一个寻常的午后, 奶奶正坐在桌前悠闲地品茶, 一阵急促的敲门声, 打破了小屋长久以来的寂静。 Granny clumsily moved herself in the direction of the door, But the delivery man had already left, Granny's eyes wandered around, She only saw a big box. 奶奶蹒跚地挪动着身体前去开门, 快递员早已等不及走了, 奶奶四处张望, 却只看到一个d大纸箱子。 After tumultuously using all her might, Granny finally heaved the tremendous box inside her house. 费了九牛二虎之力, 老人才终于把箱子拖进屋里。 After taking a closer look, It was her son's present to her. "Sorry mom, Couldn't make it back again this year. Here is something for you. John" 仔细一看, 原来是自己的儿子买给她的礼物。 “对不起妈妈, 今年又不能回家陪你了。 这是送给您的礼物。约翰” Granny heaved a big sigh. 老人大叹了一口气。 She opened the box with a perplexed expression. 随后打开箱子, 满脸困惑。 She realized that her son couldn't come home this year, So he bought a robot to help her do chores. 原来因为她的儿子不能回家, 买了个机器人管理员给老人。 The robot had a body of silver, Big round eyes, This little fellow wasn't just cute, But also helpful, He did all her chores in the house. 一身银白色, 圆圆的大眼睛, 小家伙不仅可爱, 还特别能干, 家里的活, 全被他一手包揽。 Being lonely and sad, She treated this little fellow just like a machine, Until one day Granny woke up to realize that the robot had covered her body with a blanket. 也许是因为长久的孤寂和忧伤, 老人最初只把这个小家伙, 当做干活的冰冷机器。 直到有一次老人睡着, 醒来发现机器人竟然 为她盖上了毛毯。 And saw that the robot was jubilantly watching the circus ad on TV. 老人看到小家伙正看着电视预告片的 马戏团表演,非常兴奋。 Granny didn't say anything, but she kept the moment in her heart, From now on, she treated the robot like her own child, They ate together and when the robot's mouth got dirty, Granny would paitiently wipe his mouth. 老人把这个细节记在了心里。 从此她把他当作了自己的孩子, 一起吃饭, 小家伙弄脏了嘴, 奶奶耐心慈爱地为他擦干净。 Because he was a robot, Granny would change his batteries when they were used up. 小家伙毕竟是机器人, 电池用完了, 奶奶需要及时给他更换。 Everything was fine and they could live together forever. 本以为岁月静好, 两人从此能相伴到老。 It was the time for the circus performance, 7/5/2012 直到马戏团开演的那天, 2012年7月5号。 One day, Granny, had come home from a long day, the little fellow rushed over to Granny, to take her straw hat for her with a big relief. 那天老人早出晚归, 担心了一天的小家伙, 看到奶奶回来 赶紧冲上前去接过草帽。 Granny's cough got worse and worse. 奶奶咳嗦得越来越厉害。 The little fellow handed the cup of hot tea to Granny nicely. 小家伙贴心地递上热茶。 Granny pulled out a bottle and said, "Here is what you needed." 老人万分欣慰, 从包里掏出一个瓶子, “看,奶奶给你带了你需要的机油。” The little fellow nagged Granny that it's the day to watch the circus. 小家伙还不忘撒娇, 提醒奶奶今天是7月5号, 小镇上有两人最爱看的马戏表演。 Granny then pulled out two tickets and replied, "I know, I know, I have prepared!“ 老人缓缓从口袋里掏出了两张票, "奶奶知道你爱看, 早已经准备好。" The little fellow got so excited, He rushed to get Granny's straw hat and got ready to head for the circus. 小家伙兴奋坏了, 不知道该怎么表达, 他赶紧回屋取来奶奶的草帽, 准备出发去看马戏表演。 But who knew, unexpectedly that Granny was sitting still motionless. 但谁知回来后却看到 奶奶一动不动地躺在那里, 怎么晃都没反应。 He thought that Granny also ran out of batteries, So he brought a battery. 他以为奶奶也没电了, 赶紧从屋里拿来一块电池。 And carefully put it in Granny's pocket, But Granny still didn't respond. 小心翼翼装进奶奶口袋里, 奶奶还是毫无反应。 The little fellow was very worried, He took all the batteries and put it in her pocket. 小家伙有点慌了, 着急地拿来所有电池 放进奶奶口袋里。 The little fellow didn't know how to rescue Granny, And he started to cry pitifuly. 奶奶纹丝不动, 小家伙不知道怎么救奶奶, 趴在奶奶怀里哭了起来。 Days and days passed by, While he waited for Granny to wake up, The little fellow still did his daily chores as usual. 日复一日, 他依旧做着家里的各种家务, 等待奶奶醒来。 Until all his batteries were almost gone, He took the straw hat Granny always wore. 直到自己的电池用光, 恍惚间他拿起奶奶常戴的草帽。 When he "woke up,” He saw Granny in front of his eyes magically. 再次“醒来”, 奶奶竟奇迹般地出现在了他的眼前。 The little fellow happily saw that the granny was standing there! 小家伙望着奶奶 高兴地手舞足蹈。 After such a long wait, Granny finally came back and they could go watch the circus together. 等了这么多天, 奶奶终于回来接自己 去看马戏团表演了··· 故事就此画上句点,这部名为《Changing Batteries》的5分钟动画短片,没有华丽的阵容和质感,上线几天却获得710多万次观看,众多人感动到流泪。 一个孤独的老人, 一部冰冷的机器, 看似毫无交集,无法沟通, 但两个个体却随着时间的流逝, 彼此陪伴,相互付出, 慢慢拉近心的距离, 以至于最后谁都离不离开谁。 一个用尽自己的一生, 来照顾你陪伴你, 整个世界,眼中只有你。 一个观察生活中的各种细节, 不惜拖着带病的身体, 远走几十公里, 只为买到你爱喝的“饮料”, 简简单单,纯粹地取悦你。 这种简单、纯粹, 世间罕有。 拍摄这部短片作为毕业作品的四个姑娘, 一边拍,一边从头哭到尾。 连导演Casandra Ng都感动地抑制不住眼泪。“特别是机器人,拿着电池,塞满老人口袋时的那种无助感,看着让人心碎。” 大多数时候, 我们面对心爱人的离去, 都无能为力, 所以趁他们还在身边时, 能表达的爱意,绝不要含蓄; 能抱紧的爱人,绝不要松离。