310. A letter to my daughters (Part 2)

310. A letter to my daughters (Part 2)

2017-04-03    02'18''

主播: imrhu

24 0

A letter to my daughters: Always be present By Angela Ahrendts Part 2: You are fully aware of how blessed you are, the incredible gifts you were born with that your brother doesn't have and the gifts he has that you don't possess. You know how happy you feel when you are doing what you love and that comes so easily and naturally to you. So please, please, please connect to your passion, and then just stay in your lane. Great athletes, musicians, scientists, etc., all have an expertise that they focus on and perfect. Don't let anyone persuade you to do anything that doesn't feel natural or isn't aligned with your values or God-given gifts. You know what excites you more than anyone else. The sooner you recognize your passions, and the more you focus, the happier you will be and the greater success you will achieve.  The path will illuminate itself so long as you stay present, open to the signs, and follow your passions. It’s all related. Lastly, my loves, never back up more than you need to, and this means in life, not just when driving. Just as you are blind to what's behind you while backing up a car, if you keep looking back in life and focusing too much on the past, you may find yourself running things over and over in your mind, often seeing or creating things that never existed in the first place. Even worse, living in reverse blinds you to what lies ahead: Your lifelong dreams waiting to be achieved, your destiny waiting to be fulfilled. I know what you’re thinking: why do Dad and I always have our old family photos streaming on Apple TV? This is O.K., because your family is your foundation, and also your greatest enabler. When it comes to your family, we should be with you everywhere you are, as you are always and forever with us. I love you, Mom