400. Attension

400. Attension

2017-07-02    02'01''

主播: imrhu

181 5

Attention By Steve Pavlina Life offers an abundance of concerns to which you can give your attention. A significant part of living consciously includes deciding what is deserving of your attention and to what extent as well as deciding what isn’t deserving of your attention. Attention Worthiness How do you decide what’s worthy of your attention and what isn’t? Let’s consider some potential concerns. On a scale of 1-3, make a quick rating of how attention-worthy each concern is for you (see list below). 1 = unworthy of your attention 2 = somewhat worthy of your attention 3 = very worthy of your attention Here’s the list. These are in no particular order, and it’s not a complete list. It’s just a list to get you thinking. [see list on site] Precious Attention Notice that if you want to, you can choose to give your attention to anything you desire. If you want to focus on your income, you can do that. If you want to give some attention to the environment, a fiction book, or your girlfriend, you can do those things too. Notice that in the absence of such choices, your attention will be pulled towards something by default. If you don’t make a conscious choice here, someone else will decide for you. It may be your boss, a family member, an advertiser, a collective social influence, or someone or something else, but it won’t be something of your deliberate choosing. When you don’t make these choices yourself, you fall back into unconscious living, and generally speaking, your results will suffer for it. Such unconscious results are usually quite poor compared to the results you can get from living consciously.