Blind Willie McTell-Bob Dylan

Blind Willie McTell-Bob Dylan

2016-07-14    05'52''

主播: T2行星

555 15

盲眼威利·麦可泰尔-鲍勃·迪伦 歌词如下: Seen the arrow on the doorpost 嵌在门柱上的利箭 Saying, "This land is condemned" 诉说着这片被诅咒的土地 All the way from New Orleans 从新奥尔良 To Jerusalem 一直通向耶路撒冷 I traveled through East Texas 我行过东德克萨斯 Where many martyrs fell 无数英灵的埋骨之地 And I know no one can sing the blues 我知道,没人能如盲眼威利 Like Blind Willie McTell 把蓝调吟唱 Well, I heard the hoot owl singing 夜枭的哀鸣 As they were taking down the tents 在他们取下帐篷时一直萦绕耳畔 The stars above the barren trees 僵死枯枝上的寒星 Were his only audience 是他唯一的观众 Them charcoal gypsy maidens 黝黑的吉普赛少女 Can strut their feathers well 热衷于炫耀她们的羽衣 But nobody can sing the blues 但是没人能如盲眼威利 Like Blind Willie McTell 把蓝调吟唱 See them big plantations burning 豪奢的种植园在燃烧 Hear the cracking of the whips 鞭条在劈啪作响 Smell that sweet magnolia blooming 盛开的木兰花弥散着芳香 see the ghosts of slavery ships 奴隶船上的鬼魂 I can hear them tribes a-moaning 哭叫哀嚎 hear the undertaker's bell 丧钟在耳旁鸣唱 nobody can sing the blues 没人能如盲眼威利 Like Blind Willie McTell 把蓝调吟唱 There's a woman by the river 河水旁,有一位女士 With some fine young handsome man 身边站着位年少英俊的男子 He's dressed up like a squire 一身乡绅打扮 Bootlegged whiskey in his hand 手里拿着私售的威士忌 There's a chain gang on the highway 公路上,镣铐加身的苦工囚犯 I can hear them rebels yell 叛乱的呼号直冲云霄 And I know no one can sing the blues 我知道,没人能如盲眼威利 Like Blind Willie McTell 把蓝调吟唱 Well, God is in his heaven 上帝安居在祂的天堂 And we all want what's his 人人莫不想一探究竟 But power and greed and corruptible seed 但除了权力、贪婪和堕落腐坏的种子 Seem to be all that there is 那里似乎一无所有 I'm gazing out the window 我在圣詹姆斯酒店 Of the St. James Hotel 隔窗眺望 And I know no one can sing the blues 我知道,没人能如盲眼威利 Like Blind Willie McTell 把蓝调吟唱