Come Back...Be Here

Come Back...Be Here

2015-08-25    03'43''

主播: SunnyJingWen

41050 2959

You said it in a simple way, 你说得简洁干脆 4am, the second day, 凌晨四点,日出的另一天 How strange 这是一件多么奇怪的事情 that I don't know you at all. 我发现我已不认识你 Stumbled through the long goodbye, 意识模糊的度过无尽的离别 One last kiss, then catch your flight, 最后一吻,你便跨步登上了远去的航班 Right when I was just about to fall 就在我就快要崩溃的时候 I told myself don't get attached, 我告诫自己,不要沉迷于有你的世界 but in my mind I play it back, 但记忆却在脑海重现 Spinning faster than the plane that took you... 带走你的飞机无法追逐想念的脚步 And this is when the feeling sinks in, 伤感涌入的孤单,无法抑制的肆虐 I don't wanna miss you like this, 我不想要这样的思念你 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身旁 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身旁 I guess you're in New York today, 我猜,此刻的你置身于繁华的纽约 I don't wanna need you this way, 我不想要这样的需要你 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身边 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身边 The delicate beginning rush, 小心翼翼地开始,结局却如此仓促 The feeling you can know so much, 感受是这般强烈 Without knowing anything at all. 却又浑然不觉 And now that I can put this down, 而此刻,我能将这一切都抛之脑后 If I had known what I'd known now, 如果彼时的我,知晓此时的一切 I never would have played so nonchalance. 我绝不会,冷漠不言 Taxi cabs and busy streets, 来来往往的的士,熙熙攘攘的街道 That never bring you back to me, 都无法将你带回我身边 I can't help 我无能为力 but wish you took me with you... 只能祈祷,你的离去有我相伴 And this is when the feeling sinks in, 伤感涌入的孤单,无法抑制的肆虐 I don't wanna miss you like this, 我不想要这样的想念你 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身旁 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身旁 I guess you're in London today, 我猜,此刻的你置身于喧闹的伦敦 I don't wanna need you this way, 我不想要这样的需要你 Come back... be here, come back... be here. 回来吧,回来我的身边 This is falling in love in the cruelest way, 这是相爱最残忍的方式 This is falling for you and you are worlds away. 你俘获了我的心,却领它远去世界的另一头跳动 New York... be here. 纽约……回到我这 But you're in London and I break down, 你却在伦敦,我的心已破碎 Cos it's not fair that you're not around. 这不公平,你的身影为何不在我的左右 And this is when the feeling sinks in, 伤感涌入的孤单,无法抑制的肆虐 I don't wanna miss you like this, 我不想要这样的思念你 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身旁 Come back... be here 回来吧,回来我的身旁 I guess you're in New York today, 我猜,此刻的你置身于繁华的纽约 I don't wanna need you this way, 我不想要这样的需要你 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身边 Come back... be here, 回来吧,回来我的身边 I don't wanna miss you like this. 我不想要这样的思念你 Come back... be here. 回来吧,我想要聆听你心跳的节奏 Come back... be here. 回来吧,回来我的身边
上一期: Mean
下一期: White Horse