[Read Beyond Ages 4] Western Myth&Legend

[Read Beyond Ages 4] Western Myth&Legend

2016-11-22    24'35''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

101 0

还记得长着翅膀的丘比特和他神奇的弓箭吗? 还记得上帝创世、亚当和夏娃还有美丽的伊甸园的故事吗? 特洛伊的木马,米诺斯的迷宫亦或是诺亚方舟,哪个故事更能吸引你的眼球?哪些人物令你印象深刻? Let's appreciate the charm of Western Myth & Legend together! Share your stories of Western Myth & Legend with us! Hosts: Attis , Yana Guests: Cayla , Ruobin , Paul Editors: Attis , Hanna , Joanna , Marcus , Megan , Robert , Stephanie , Water Cutter: Megan Thank you for listening!