【Screen Light 05】Moving Movies

【Screen Light 05】Moving Movies

2017-04-10    37'58''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

102 5

Host: Anne Sibyl Guest: Bella Cristina Leo Amy Francis Bigben JayZ When you feel tired,what would you like to do? Of course,this is a good alternative if you watch a movie.你是否被《三傻大闹宝莱坞》中出人意料的结局,亦或是《东成西就》中的经典桥段感动得痛哭流涕?Would you mind sharing what you think after watching the movie.Which movie laid deeply in your memory forever!让我们陪你度过无聊的长夜,令你感受世间温情。Just waitting for you!