【环球杀马特】Napoli 奥巴马参加贝爷野外生存真人秀

【环球杀马特】Napoli 奥巴马参加贝爷野外生存真人秀

2015-10-11    02'06''

主播: 英语环球

415 50

Having weathered two bruising presidential campaigns and seven turbulent years in the White House, President Barack Obama will now put his survival skills to the test in Alaska's wilderness. 经历过两次激烈的总统大选和七年动荡的白宫生涯,这次,美国总统奥巴马将在阿拉斯加荒野考验自己的生存技能。 NBC announced on August 31 that Obama will become the first sitting president to appear in a special edition of the reality show Running Wild With Bear Grylls, which will be taped during his three-day trip to the region beginning Monday. 美国全国广播公司(NBC)当地时间8月31日宣布,奥巴马将成为参加真人秀《越野千里》特别节目的首位现任总统。奥巴马于当地时间8月31日前往阿拉斯加州,行程为3天,期间奥巴马将参与节目录制。 奥巴马携手贝爷秀野外生存技能 奥巴马携手贝爷秀野外生存技能 The president will spend three days in the Alaska Arctic attending a climate change conference, visiting glaciers and meeting with Native American leaders. 奥巴马将在阿拉斯加北极地区呆3天,出席气候变化峰会、探访冰川、与印第安部落首领会晤。 According to a press release put out by NBC, the commander-in-chief will meet up with the celebrity survivalist to observe first-hand the effects of climate change in Alaska. 美国全国广播公司(NBC)召开新闻发布会表示,奥巴马总统将与著名野外生存家贝尔·格里尔斯(Bear Grylls)一道,亲自观察阿拉斯加州气候变化的影响。 奥巴马携手贝爷秀野外生存技能 The White House confirmed on August 31 that the shoot will take place Tuesday in Exit Glacier in Kenai Mountains, reported the New York Times. 据《纽约时报》消息,当地时间8月31日,白宫证实了节目录制时间为9月1日,地点在基奈山的出口冰川。 The expanse of ice is retreating, in what environmentalists say is a dramatic sign of warming temperatures. 当地的冰川面积正在减少,环保人士称之为气候变暖的明显标志。 The president will then join Grylls in the woods for a crash course in survival techniques. The episode will be aired on NBC later this year. 奥巴马将跟随《越野千里》贝尔·格里尔斯进入丛林,上一堂生存技巧速成课。这一集将于今年晚些时候在NBC播出。 Vocabulary weather: 经受住 bruising: 十分激烈的 Native American: 北美土著人,印第安人