【财经发神经】主播Leia 玩具不是闹着玩的!

【财经发神经】主播Leia 玩具不是闹着玩的!

2015-10-14    04'30''

主播: 英语环球

498 56

大家好,欢迎收听财经发神经,我是Leia, 先看看公司新闻--有这么一家公司,上半年它的全球销售增长18%,利润--暴增31%至5.4亿美元! 什么公司业绩这么好? 卖白粉儿?连咱们伟大的爱存不存--工商银行ICBC上半年利润都只是基本持平? What company appears largely neutral to the current global volatility and slowdown fears? First half global sales up 18%,and get this -- net profit -- up nearly 31% at more than half a billion US dollars! 如果你们家有小朋友,你可能会猜到--是乐高! 对,就是这家公司生产了那些半夜里不小心踩到了疼死人的小粒粒。。这家丹麦公司是世界上最大的玩具公司,它的业务在亚洲增长最快--这里我要吐槽,为神马乐高积木在中国卖得比别的国家贵呢? 而且乐高还要在中国的嘉兴新开一家厂--生意太火爆! 提个意见,以后可以出一些中国特色的乐高系列,城管啊,广场舞啊,郭德纲,神马的。 The beloved Danish toy manufacturer -- Lego!Yes, you can blame them when you stub your toe on a stray block in the middle of the night. Lego cites Asia as its strongest growing region and plans to set up a new manufacturing facility in Jiaxing, China. Let’s hope it’ll mean lower prices for Chinese consumers. 现在我得去接着收拾满地的乐高了... 55555 再来看今年最令人期待的大片...星球大战--它的周边玩具在美国马上要开卖!在商店搞活动吗?太过时了! 公司会在Youtube上轰炸18个小时吸引眼球。 Disney's new "Star Wars" toys will be unveiled on YouTube during an 18-hour event that kicks off Thursday. Then, at midnight local time on "Force Friday," retailers including Toys R Us and Wal-Mart will host exclusive events and giveaways to celebrate the launch. 电影还没上映呢! 但是分析师们已经预计迪士尼,孩之宝将各增加5亿美元收入! 今年全球玩具市场表现是10几年来最亮丽的,嗯,我们家宝贝也做了很大的贡献! JPMorgan analyst Alexia Quadrani on Tuesday estimated that a 200 percent increase in global licensing and retail sales could add $500 million in revenues to Disney in fiscal 2016. The franchise is expected to contribute to the toy industry's best year in more than a decade. 万能的淘宝已经有卖特殊的星球大战杯子。。。长得像。。。就是词--STARBUCKS换成了STAR WARS -- 广告词也改成了MAY THE FROTH BE WITH YOU...哈哈,FORCE, FROTH..咖啡泡沫 And of course you can already find merchandise on the all mighty Taobao -- Starbucks coffee cups that say...Star Wars...and with the tagline...may the froth be with you. 别忘了迪士尼的上一部大片--冰雪奇缘Frozen--去年给玩具行业带来5.3亿美元收入。而星球大战是什么概念? 大老爷们和小朋友都会喜欢的好不好? 一拍又是三集好不好? 2019年才拍完呢. NPD Group estimates "Frozen" contributed $531 million to the industry's $18 billion in sales last year. As for Hasbro, the most recent "Star Wars" film represented $500 million in annualized toy revenues for the company. And with its license not set to expire until 2020, the toymaker will participate in the entire trilogy, which is expected to conclude in 2019.