【环球杀马特】自拍之疯 Selfie Madness 主播Napoli

【环球杀马特】自拍之疯 Selfie Madness 主播Napoli

2015-10-18    02'24''

主播: 英语环球

1040 65

自拍之疯:用生命自拍可取吗? Selfie madness: too many dying to get the picture The rise of selfie photography in some of the world's most beautiful, and dangerous, places is sparking a range of interventions aimed at combating risk-taking that has resulted in a string of gruesome deaths worldwide. 在世界上一些最美、最危险的地方自拍已经形成一股热潮,在这种冒险行为在世界范围内引发一系列可怕的人命事故后,促使了一系列相关干预措施出台,以防此类悲剧重演。 The act of taking a picture of oneself with a mobile phone, placing the subject centre-stage, has exploded in popularity in recent years, with everyone from Britain's Queen Elizabeth II to U.S. President Barack Obama joining in. 近年来,将拍照主体置于画面中心、用手机自拍的行为人气暴涨,不只是普通人,就连英国女王伊丽莎白二世和美国总统贝拉克•奥巴马也未能免俗。 But the selfie has also inspired a spate of risk taking and offensive public behaviour, pushing the boundaries of safety and decorum, whether by dangling from a skyscraper or posing with live explosives. 不过,自拍也引发了不少危险和为公众不齿的行为。不管是悬挂在摩天大楼上自拍还是跟真正的炸药摆拍合影,都在挑战安全与礼仪的底线。 In June, two men in the Ural Mountains died after posing pulling the pin from a hand grenade; in May a woman survived shooting herself in the head in her Moscow office; a month later a 21-year-old university graduate plunged 40 feet (12 metres) to her death while posing hanging from a Moscow bridge. 6月,两名男子在乌拉尔山脉(Ural Mountains)摆拍拉开手榴弹保险销,引爆手榴弹后丧生;5月,一名女子在其位于莫斯科的办公室内不慎开枪击中自己头部,但死里逃生;一个月后,一位21岁的大学毕业生悬挂在莫斯科一座40英尺(12米高)的大桥拍照时坠桥身亡。 In Texas on Wednesday, a 19-year-old father of two died after shooting himself in the neck during a selfie. In Yellowstone National Park exasperated officials issued warnings after five separate selfie takers were gored this summer while standing too near bison. 9月2日,德克萨斯州一位有两位孩子的19岁父亲在自拍时意外用枪击中自己的脖子后丧生。今年夏天,黄石国家公园有5位自拍者先后因太靠近野牛被顶伤,恼怒的公园工作人员为此发布了安全警示。 The European Union in June proposed a law to criminalise social media posts containing pictures of landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or Rome's Trevi Fountain. And in India this week officials said they were implementing a "no selfie zone" at the Hindu Kumbh Mela festival over fears they may cause stampedes. 欧盟6月建议立法禁止在社交网站上传包含各类地标建筑的照片,如巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)和罗马的特莱维喷泉(Trevi Fountain)。本周印度有官员称,他们正在印度教大壶节(Kumbh Mela)期间建立“无自拍区”,以免发生踩踏事件。