【财经发神经丨Leia】Halloween特辑 - trick or treat?

【财经发神经丨Leia】Halloween特辑 - trick or treat?

2015-10-28    03'17''

主播: 英语环球

130 23

Halloween 万圣节播报! Ghosts and goblins, spooks galore Scary witches at the door Jack-o-lanterns smiling bright Wishing you a haunting night “Trick or treat? 不给糖就捣蛋! Trick or treat, smell my feet give me something good to eat if you don't, I don't care. I'll pull down your underwear!” Trick: Trickery 搞鬼 Eyes are playing tricks 大跌眼镜 One trick pony 昙花一现 turn tricks, you’re a trick! 妓女的客户—“Daily Planet每日星球”最近退市,据审计师分析,是因为搞不清楚妓女是库存还是员工 Treat: Shall we have your treat now? 特别的好吃的 What a treat! 享受 Treat your senses...让你的感官享受吧 Treats you like shit 对待--- my treat/my shout 我请客 Boo!(说英语的鬼吓人就是说Boo! 真是鬼佬!) (以下高能,请调小音量) “- Hello? - Remember me? - Who's there? - I've got your number - Oh no, no - I'm back to haunt you - No, stay away - Ha ha ha ha ha **结尾配音取自Aqua的歌曲《Halloween》,如受到惊吓,小编也只好再去补看10部恐怖片以谢罪**