When School is a Wonderland

When School is a Wonderland

2018-05-09    28'16''

主播: 卡帕Zhao

83 0

"In Edinburgh, the city itself is like a game: one minute it&`&s sunny and the next minute it&`&s hailing. I get out of bed one day, and find a parade passing by my window; I step out onto the Royal Mile, and see the Queen of England in a car; I snap a shot, and there Sir Sean Connery is waving in my picture. " When I&`&m sitting at a cafe in Shanghai and remembering Edinburgh, does it mean I’m not seeing my present but savoring my past? @stephfuccio&`&s Expat Rewind project invites me back to my world in 2005 when I was living in Edinburgh to revisit a life could have been lived differently now.