

2016-05-08    08'01''

主播: 有声英语故事(面包树)

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这个下着雨星期天的下午,面包树老师来和大家分享一些关于母亲的故事。 我们先来听一个真实的故事。 作者匿名。曾在十年前在网络上感动了无数美国人。面包树老师看了很多关于母亲的故事,但它最深刻地打动了我。 故事说的是一个人回忆他那失去一个眼睛的母亲的故事。 都说,“子不嫌母丑”,生活中有多少人能做到呢?你是否曾会母亲衣衫褴褛地来学校给你送饭而窘迫?是否会因母亲工作的卑微而对她嫌弃、厌恶?儿时是否曾为家中的破屋而羞耻?是否会对母亲的不请自来而避而不见? 或许,下面的故事会让我们多存一分感激。 (后附两则《读者文摘》的小故事) 那么,一起来听故事吧. 8:01 我的母亲只有一个眼睛 来自说英语故事的面包树 My Mom Only Had One Eye 我的母亲只有一个眼睛     作者: Anonymous (匿名) My mom only had one eye. I hated her… 我的妈妈只有一只眼睛,我讨厌她, she was such an embarrassment. 她的样子总让我感到如此尴尬难堪。  My mom ran a smallshop at a flea market. 妈妈在跳蚤市场开了一家小店, She collected little weeds and such to sell… anything forthe money we needed. 只要是可以用来赚钱补贴家用的,她都卖。   There was this one day during elementary school.Iremember that it was field day, and my mom came. 我记得在我上小学的时候,有一天举行运动会,妈妈来学校看我。 I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? 我感到很难为情。她怎么能这样就来学校了? I threw her a hateful look and ran out. 我朝她狠狠地瞪了一眼,跑开了。 The next day at school… “Your mom only has one eye?!” andthey taunted me. 第二天,同学们取笑我:“你的妈妈怎么只有一只眼睛?!” I wished that my mom would justdisappear from this world so I said to my mom, 我巴不得她能从这个世界上消失,我对妈妈说: “Mom, why don’t you have the othereye?! You’re only going to make me a laughingstock. Why don’t you just die?” “妈,你为什么少了一只眼睛!你这样只会让我成为别人的笑柄,你干嘛不去死呢?” My mom did not respond. 妈妈听完这话,默默无语。 I guess I felt a little bad, butat the same time, it felt good to think that I had said what I’d wanted to sayall this time. 我感到当时自己有一点过分,可与此同时,我也为说出憋在心里很久的话而感到高兴。 Maybe it was because my mom hadn’tpunished me, but I didn’t think that I had hurt her feelings very badly. 也许是因为妈妈没有因此惩罚我,所以我认为自己并没有太伤她的感情。 That night… I woke up, and went tothe kitchen to get a glass of water. 那天夜里…我醒来想喝一杯水,发现妈妈正在厨房里哭泣。 My mom was crying there, soquietly, as if she was afraid that she might wake me. 她的声音极其轻,好像怕吵醒我似的。  I took a look at her, and then turned away. 我只看了她一眼便转身离开了。 Because of the thing I had said toher earlier, there was something pinching at me in the corner of my heart. 因为我白天对她说了那些过分的话,我心里感到有些不是滋味。 Even so, I hated my mother who wascrying out of her one eye. 尽管如此,我还是讨厌她,讨厌她哭泣的时候只有一只眼睛流泪。 So I told myself that I would growup and become successful, because I hated my one-eyed mom and our desperatepoverty. 我暗暗发誓长大成人后,要成就一番事业,因为我憎恶我的妈妈,憎恶家里一贫如洗。   Then I studied really hard. 后来,我刻苦学习, I left my mother and came to Seouland studied, and got accepted in the Seoul University with all the confidence Ihad. 我离开了母亲,来到首尔读书,并很成功地考入首尔大学。 Then, I got married. I bought ahouse of my own. Then I had kids, too. 后来,我结了婚,买了自己的房子。再后来,又有了自己的孩子。 Now I’m living happily as asuccessful man.  现在,我作为一名成功人士,生活得很快乐。 I like it here because it’s aplace that doesn’t remind me of my mom. 我喜欢首尔这个地方,因为这里不会让我想起我的妈妈。 This happiness was getting biggerand bigger, when someone unexpected came to see me. 这种幸福的感觉一天比一天强烈,直到有一天来了一位不速之客。  “What?! Who’s this?!” “啊?!是谁?!” It was my mother… Still with herone eye. 来的人正是我的妈妈!只有一只眼睛的妈妈。 It felt as if the whole sky wasfalling apart on me. 我顿时觉得天都要塌下来了。 My little girl ran away, scared ofmy mom’s eye. 我女儿看到妈妈那只瞎眼睛,吓得跑开了。 And I asked her, “Who are you? Idon’t know you!!” as if I tried to make that real. 我问她:“你是谁?我不认识你。”我装得就像真的一样。 I screamed at her “How dare youcome to my house and scare my daughter! Get out of here now!!” 我冲她吼道:“你竟然敢来我家吓唬我的女儿!现在就给我滚!” And to this, my mother quietlyanswered, “oh, I’m so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address,” and shedisappeared. 听到我的这番话,妈妈平静地说:“噢,对不起,可能是我找错地方了。”说完转身就消失了。 Thank goodness… she doesn’trecognize me. I was quite relieved. 谢天谢地!她没有认出我来,我长舒了一口气。 I told myself that I wasn’t goingto care, or think about this for the rest of my life. 我心想,这件事我不会在意,此生也不会再想起。 Then a wave of relief came uponme… 因此,我一下子就放松了。 Oneday, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. 后来,有一天,我收到一封小学校友聚会的信。  I lied to my wife saying that I was going on abusiness trip. 我和妻子撒谎说要出差一趟。 After the reunion, I went down tothe old shack, that I used to call a house…just out of curiosity there. 聚会结束后,仅仅是出于好奇,我顺便去那间小破屋里看看那间我--曾经把它当做家的小破屋, I found my mother fallen on thecold ground. 我进屋发现妈妈倒毙在冰冷的地面上, But I did not shed a single tear. 但我并没有流一滴眼泪。 She had a piece of paper in herhand…. it was a letter to me. 某一天,她的手里有一张纸,那是一封给我的信。 She wrote: 上面写道: Myson, I think my life has been long enough now. 我的儿子,我此生已经走到尽头了, And…I won’t visit Seoul anymore… but would it be too much to ask if I wanted you tocome visit me once in a while? …我不会再去首尔了…不过我有一个奢望,那就是你能偶尔回来看看我。   Imiss you so much. 我很想念你。 AndI was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. 听说你要回来参加学校聚会,我非常高兴。  But I decided not to go to the school…. Foryou… 但是我决定不去学校看你…我不想让你丢脸…  I’m sorry that I only have one eye, and I wasan embarrassment for you. 对不起,我只有一只眼睛,我总让你如此难堪。 Yousee, when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. 你知道,在你很小的时候,由于一次意外,你失去了一只眼睛。  As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching youhaving to grow up with only one eye… 作为母亲,我不忍心看着你只有一只眼睛, soI gave you mine… 所以我把我的一只眼睛给了你。 Iwas so proud of my son that was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place,with that eye. 你用那只眼睛,替我看到了一个全新的世界,我真的为你感到骄傲。 Iwas never upset at you for anything you did. 你对我所做的一切,我从没有心存怨恨。 Thecouple times that you were angry with me. I thought to myself, ‘it’s because heloves me.’ 我对我发火的那几次,我对自己说,“那是因为他爱我。” Imiss the times when you were still young around me. 我怀念你年幼时在我身边的日子。 Imiss you so much. I love you. You mean the world to me. 我非常爱你,你就是我的一切。 译文:面包树老师参考了:http://www.gushibaike.com/qinqinggushi/muaigushi/15356.html ,并进行修改、处理。 背景音乐: Mother, by 押尾光太郎 Latika's Theme, by Suzanne D'mello 喜欢,请帮面包树老师点赞、分享哦~