3.01 Get back to work! (Endeavour)

3.01 Get back to work! (Endeavour)

2016-01-17    06'47''

主播: Chanson triste

209 6

Endeavour S3E01 CUT -M: You live in the shadows long enough, you forget the sunlight, I&`&m finished with it. ... -T: Then waht? You&`&re just gonna sit here feeling sorry for yourself? ... -M: I can&`&t. I&`&m note the same. I wouldn&`&t be any use to you. ... -M: Why would you go back after everything? -T: There is a town needs looking to.That doesn&`&t change just cos I&`&ve dropped a suit size. Throw the towel in now, it was all for nothing and teh bastards won. -M: I thought...it doesn&`&t matter how far you run, or how hard you scrub, it&`&s there, the stech of it. ... -T: Sometimes, you&`&ve to put all you are against all they&`&ve got. It was my decision. I&`&d do it again without a second thought. Don&`&t ever blame yourself. You were there at the end. Nobody else. You had the chance to run, to look to your own neck, you didn&`&t, you stood. A pinch like that, it&`&s not brain that counts, it&`&s guts. I won&`&t forget it. Ever.