1.08 Colin Morgan cut [Humans] Season Final

1.08 Colin Morgan cut [Humans] Season Final

2016-06-05    14'08''

主播: Chanson triste

220 12

Season Final -Leo: Are you going to kill them? -Hobb: You can&`&t kill something that&`&s never been alive. -Leo: Kill me too. I want to go with them. I want to go with them! Do you hear me? So, what do we do? Will you cut out the Synth part of my brain? I&`&ll sign any forms you want.I give you permission. -Leo:You can&`&t just keep me here! -Hobb: Well, I&`&ve had a chat with our lawyers and legally speaking, you&`&re not entirely human, so your rights are, well...a bit of a grey area. ... -Leo: Why did you come in here? -Karen: You have a life. A real one. Don&`&t throw it away on them. -Leo: They have lives -- and you could too, if you help them. Karen: We&`&d never be able to live in peace with humans. Our existence can only lead to pain. -Leo: You&`&ve been alone since the day you were made. That&`&s why you can&`&t see you&`&re only talking about yourself. I can see a bit of all of them in you, you know? You&`&ve got Fred&`&s strength. You&`&ve got..... Niska&`&s darkness. And you want to know things, like Max. -Karen: What about Mia? -Leo: You care. You care about what happens to me. You are one of us. You are one of us!