048 「什么电台」小宋老师:尼尔·盖曼 All I Know About Love

048 「什么电台」小宋老师:尼尔·盖曼 All I Know About Love

2022-07-24    04'01''

主播: 主播与诗

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「主播与诗」由播客先声作为主理人,每期会邀请主播读诗的节目。节目每周六22点更新~ 第四十八期节目,我们邀请了「什么电台」的主播小宋老师,他读的诗是尼尔盖曼的All I Know About Love  All I Know About Love  by Niel Gaiman This is everything I have to tell you about love: nothing.This is everything I've learned about marriage: nothing. Only that the world out there is complicated,and there are beasts in the night, and delight and pain,and the only thing that makes it okay, sometimes,is to reach out a hand in the darkness and find another hand to squeeze,and not to be alone. It's not the kisses, or never just the kisses: it's what they mean.Somebody's got your back.Somebody knows your worst self and somehow doesn't want to rescue youor send for the army to rescue them. It's not two broken halves becoming one.It's the light from a distant lighthouse bringing you both safely homebecause home is wherever you are both together. So this is everything I have to tell you about love and marriage: nothing,like a book without pages or a forest without trees. Because there are things you cannot know before you experience them.Because no study can prepare you for the joys or the trials.Because nobody else's love, nobody else's marriage, is like yours,and it's a road you can only learn by walking it,a dance you cannot be taught,a song that did not exist before you began, together, to sing. And because in the darkness you will reach out a hand,not knowing for certain if someone else is even there.And your hands will meet, and then neither of you will ever need to be alone again. And that's all I know about love. 尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman,1960--)是近十年来欧美文坛崛起的最耀眼的明星,被视为新一代幻想文学的代表。其创作领域横跨幻想小说、科幻小说、恐怖小说、儿童小说、漫画以及歌词。他的作品不但部部畅销,更获奖无数。恐怖小说大师斯蒂芬·金称赞他是一个“装满了故事的宝库”。《文学传记辞典》将他列为十大后现代作家之一。2018年,被提名为诺贝尔新学院奖候选人。 「什么电台」,四个奇形怪状的前北美留学生加一个现任留学生以非常认真的态度制作一档超级没溜的电影类播客节目。我们的话题涵盖大江南北,我们喷的口水灌满五湖四海!失恋扎心、妻离子散、没有工作、考试挂科、失眠多梦、临盆待产,这些毛病,我们统统治不了...但是我们给你们的是大量的知识点和神奇的脑洞,在段子中提高自己观影的知识水平,在激烈互怼中划重点。内容,我们只给坠好的!什么电台,杜绝不好玩儿 最后,如果你也是主播,喜欢读诗的话,欢迎你也能参与这个播客哦~