

2017-03-20    10'00''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

122 15

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Part 1 词汇小霸王 初级词汇1900 glue n. 胶水; v. 胶合;粘贴; grain n. 粮食;谷物;颗粒; graduation n. (大学或高中)毕业;毕业典礼; grammar n. 语法;语法学; graph n. 图表;曲线图; grasp v. 抓牢;握紧;理解;领会; n. 抓;握;了解;把握; greedy adj. 贪婪的;贪心的;贪吃的; greeting n. 问候;招呼; grey adj. 灰色的;苍白的;单调乏味的; n. 灰色; grocer n. 食品杂货店店主; grocery n. 食品杂货;超市; guard n. 卫兵;警卫;保卫;看守; v. 保卫;守卫;捍卫; guidance n. 引导;指导;制导; guilty adj. 羞愧的;内疚的;有罪的;有过错的; guitar n. 吉他; gym n. 体育馆;健身房; hammer n. 榔头;锤子; v. 锤击;冲击;打击;猛烈批评; handkerchief n. 手帕; handle v. 处理;应付;对待;承受;触摸;驾驭; n. 把手;柄; handsome n. 英俊的;漂亮的;丰厚的;贵重的; hardship n. 艰苦;贫困; harm n./v. 损害;危害;伤害; harvest n. 收获期;收获;收割;收成;收获量; v. 收获;收割; healthy adj. 健康的;健壮的;有益健康的;正常合理的;运作良好的;(钱)大量,可观的; heaven n. 天堂;极好的情况; heel n. 脚后跟;鞋跟; helicopter n. 直升机; hero n. 英雄;男主角;男主人公;偶像; highway n. 公路; hire v. 租用;雇用; n. 租用;租借; hostess n. 女主人;女主持人; hug v. 拥抱;抱住; n. 拥抱;紧抱; humorous adj. 幽默的;诙谐的; identity n. 身份;特征;一致; idiom n. 习语;成语;风格;特色; illegal adj. 违法的;非法的; n. 非法移民; import n. 进口商品;进口; v. 进口;输入(商品); impression n. 印象;感想;印象画;印记;压痕;印数; incident n. 事件;冲突; independence n. 独立;自主;  Part 2 真题长难句 Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them. 劈树:本句含有三个谓语动词,“tend to be drawn up”,“lose”,“plough through”,可以切分为三个分句。 第一分句:Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically; 第二分句:and their recipients lose interest; 第三分句:as they plough through them; 造竹:第一分句同第二分句并列为主句;第三分句为“as”引导的时间状语从句。 各分句中难词(词组)及在句中的含义: Shortlist (候选名单) interview (面试) election (选举) ballot (投票) conference speaker (会议发言人) attendee (会议出席者) draw up (草拟) alphabetically (按字母表顺序排列) recipient (接受者) plough through (努力地完成) 分句详解 第一分句:Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically; 主语:Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all 谓语:tend to be drawn up 状语:alphabetically “Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees”中三组名词并列作主语; “Shortlists for job interviews”的含义为“工作面试候选名单”; “election ballot papers”的含义为“竞选投票表”; “lists of conference speakers and attendees”的含义为“会议发言人名单与参会人员名单”; “all”指代冒号前的内容; 第一分句翻译为:工作面试候选名单,竞选投票表,会议发言人名单与参会人员名单:全部以字母表顺序排列草拟; 第二分句:and their recipients lose interest; 主语:their recipients 谓语:lose 宾语:interest “their recipients”的含义为“这些名单的持有人;持有名单的人”; 第二分句翻译为:持有名单的人失去兴趣; 第三分句:as they plough through them; 主语:they 谓语:plough through 宾语:them “they”指“their recipients” “them”指“名单”; 第三分句翻译为:随着他们(持有名单的人)努力完成名单(的工作); 原文回顾: Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them. 全句翻译为:工作面试候选名单,竞选投票表,会议发言人名单与参会人员名单:全部以字母表顺序排列草拟,随着持有名单的人努力完成名单(的工作),他们(渐渐)失去兴趣。 句式结构考点:名词词组并列作主语;并列句;时间状语从句; 难度级别: 短语背诵: Shortlists for job interviews election ballot papers lists of conference speakers and attendees tend to be draw up lose interest plough through 明日预告 Consumers seem only mildly concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy’s long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening.   智慧点滴 One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life. 一个人拥有30 分钟热情,另一个人拥有 30 天热情,而只有那个30 年拥有热忱 的人的人生才会成功。