2018-06-21    01'11''

主播: Jay🍊

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6-21麦克风打卡金句 Dad, what about me makes you proud? Just about everything that you do. You’re loving. You’re funny. I could go on and on. Just being yourself. I had trouble with alcohol. (There) was actually an intervention. Even with all the other people there you were the real reason that I made the decision to go into the treatment center that I did. You’re helpful. Your attention to hygiene. I’m grateful to you for choosing to stay when I was little. At the time when I’m graduating and I’m packing up and leaving and it’s really gonna hit me. I think about a time when, if you’re not around. That would be awful. But like, you’re the person that would always laugh. Dad, I’m grateful because we didn’t know how long you were gonna be with us. So, we’re so happy you’re still here. Dad, I’m proud of you for knowing that the most important thing was to just give your kids so much time. I miss having the chance to just check in with you. I miss your sketchbooks. I love you. We don’t say that enough. 爸,我让你觉得骄傲的地方是什么? 你做的所有事情都让我感到骄傲;你非常有爱心,非常有趣,(你让我感到骄傲的地方太多了)我可以一直说下去;(你让我觉得骄傲的地方就是)你坚持做自己;我以前有酗酒问题,当时有一个酒精干预治疗。即使当时有那么多人在那儿(支持鼓励我),你才是我下定决心去戒酒中心的真正原因;你乐于助人;你很讲卫生。 我非常感激在我小的时候你选择了留下来(陪伴我)。我毕业后,背起行李离开家的时候,我真的会受不了(因为舍不得你)。我想如果没有你在我身边的话,那实在是太糟糕了,因为你是那个总是在笑的人。爸,我现在心怀感恩,因为我们当时不知道你还能陪伴我们多长时间,所以我们十分开心你现在依然在我们的身边。爸,我因为你而十分自豪,因为你知道最重要的事是给予孩子陪伴。好怀念以前跟你打电话报平安的时刻,好怀念你的素描。我爱你,这三个字我们说得太少了。
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