当黑暗成为一个不被允许的东西 | 全球童书作者采访计划

当黑暗成为一个不被允许的东西 | 全球童书作者采访计划

2020-08-07    15'25''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

7246 40

本期节目中,Storyland故事星球采访了儿童绘本作家Emily Haworth-Booth. Emily的首部绘本作品The King Who Banned the Dark讲述了一位怕黑的王子长大成人后,利用作为国王的权力将黑暗在他的国度禁止了。 Emily Haworth-Booth is an author and illustrator based in London. Her debut picture book, The King Who Banned the Dark, explores the relationship between light and darkness and power and rebellion through a fairytale-like story. In our interview together, she talks about how the idea for this book crystallized at the end of her masters study of children's book illustration and how her teaching experience at Royal Drawing School informs her story writing process. 在节目中你将听到: Emily创作The King Who Banned the Dark的灵感来源于什么? 为什么她认为与孩子探讨权力很重要? 通过这个故事,她希望孩子们从中获得什么样的启示? 她在艺术领域的旅途并不总是一帆风顺,基于自己兜兜转转的艺术创作经历,她为想要创作的孩子提出了怎样的建议? 【嘉宾 Guest】 Emily Haworth-Booth 儿童绘本作家、漫画艺术家、伦敦皇家绘画学院 (Royal Drawing School) 教师 http://emilyhaworthbooth.com/ Instagram: @emilyhaworthbooth 绘本著作: The King Who Banned the Dark The Last Tree