Sophie Blackall:她用一个孩子的视角,写了一本人人都能共鸣的书

Sophie Blackall:她用一个孩子的视角,写了一本人人都能共鸣的书

2021-01-28    48'01''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

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本期“全球童书采访计划”连线的是两度荣获凯迪克金奖的童书作家、插画师Sophie Blackall。本次访谈,我们主要围绕她2020年的新书《If You Come to Earth》展开,探讨了书中的许多细节和创作背后的故事。​​我们还聊到Sophie成长过程中,母亲对她艺术创作的影响,以及她是如何培养自己的孩子对艺术的兴趣的。​ Sophie Blackall is an Australian artist and illustrator of children's books based in Brooklyn, New York. She won the 2016 Caldecott Medal for Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear and the 2019 Medal for Hello Lighthouse. In this episode, we talked about the background stories of her latest book If You Come to Earth and she also shared how she cultivated her own children in art. Her website: Our website: