Day 2~Lesson 2 I Notice What I Hear

Day 2~Lesson 2 I Notice What I Hear

2017-09-09    11'44''

主播: 《天赋创造财富》电台

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【吴丹丹能量加油站】 Dandan's Miracle World 用我的声音连接世界 祝福大家一天好心情[耶] 微信同电话wechat:13810715015 邮箱 《轻而易举的富足》第一册 Absolutely Effortless Prosperity Book1 DAY 2 ~ LESSON 2   I NOTICE WHAT I HEAR Today I am aware of what really attracts me the most. Am I listening for miracles, peace and love, or am I listening of stories, turmoil and fear? At every moment, I can make a choice of listening to Spirit or to Ego. At every moment, I am aware of which one I am listening to, and I refuse to listen to Ego. Today I notice what I hear. RECOMMENDED READING I Am Just the Messenger A Message from “Our Friend” ASSIGNMENT FOR DAY 2 Be aware of what you are listening to; be aware of whether you enjoy listening to Spirit or to Ego. Affirmation: I listen only for peace. Remember to keep your word today.