绝望主妇精讲: 赌徒

绝望主妇精讲: 赌徒

2018-10-18    17'01''

主播: 英语101

8524 100

S01E06 Mama Solis: "I used Carlos' credit card." Gabrielle: "Okay, well, how much did you charge?" Mama Solis: "I don't know, it stopped working." Gabrielle: "What do you mean, it stopped working. That thing has, like, a $15,000 credit limit." (They both look at each other with shocked expressions.) Gabrielle: "Oh." ......... Gabrielle: "This is what we'll do. I'll sell some old jewelry, pay off the credit card, and Carlos will never find out!" Mama Solis: "You would do that for me?" Gabrielle: "Of course I would, why wouldn't I?" Mama Solis: "Well, for starters, you hate me." Gabrielle: "Oh, that is overstating it ... a little. The bottom line is, no matter how much I dislike you, I love Carlos more. If Carlos finds out about the money, he'll be devastated. I don't want to see him hurt. You don't have to believe I'm a good person, but at least believe I care about my husband." (Mama Solis just stares at her.) Gabrielle: "Fine, to heck with it. I'm not gonna risk my neck to protect you. I'm calling Carlos." Mary Alice Voiceover:"Juanita might have been the gambler of the family." Mama Solis: "Wait, I believe you." Mary Alice Voiceover:"But Gabrielle was the one who knew how to bluff."