

2018-04-18    05'23''

主播: Nerdie

24 1

A good leader should bear some necessary qualities. 一个好的领导者应该具备一定的素质。 First of all, a leader should own the ability of team building and help each individual in the team to perform their very best. 首先,领导者应该具备建设团队的能力,并且帮助团队中的每个人表现出最好的一面。 In addition, a good leader should master impressive professional knowledge and skills, in order to decide the direction of team development and help the subordinates to solve practical problems. 另外,一个好的领导应该精通专业知识和技能,以便决定团队发展的方向,以及帮助下属解决实际问题。 Furthermore, a good leader should respect the work and be willing to work with other team members. 此外,一个好的领导者应该尊重工作,愿意与其他的团队成员合作。 These qualities can make a good leader. 这些品质可以造就一个好的领导者。