

2017-06-13    04'11''

主播: 耳朵的朵

607 23

Sailboats wish that they were stars 小帆船梦想着它们是星星 Floating softly in the sky 在天空慢慢漂浮 Among our dreams that pay goodbye 与我们的梦想告别 Moving through transparent space 穿过梦想空间 Drifting through the stratosphere 在最顶端漂流 And onward 'till they disappear 一直前进直到消失匿迹 These continents from overhead 从顶端望向大陆 Look like tiny paper shapes 显得微乎其微 Intricately set in place 错综复杂 Below the misty mountain clouds 底下乌云密布 Theres a lovely silver bay 有条可爱的银湾 Where sunset sailors often hideaway 水手时常躲在那银湾 Scuba diver in the lock 运动员在潜水 Speedboat driver on the dock 快艇停靠在码头 Sailplane pilot in the blue take me up there with you 滑翔机领航在天空,带上我 The world looks brighter from this high altitude 向下俯视,天空是如此灿烂晴朗 I was walking through the trees 步行穿过树林 (Sailboats wish they were stars) (帆船祝福他们的明星) And I was swimming through the sea 游泳穿梭海洋 (Cause they don't know who they are) (因为他们不知道自己是谁) I was falling through the air 我随着气流下降 When it hit me right there 当我被撞击 My eyes are tired I don't even care 我眼睛疲倦我也不在乎 An airplane carried me to bed 一架飞机拯救了我并使我入睡 Where i slept above the coast 我躺在海岸上 And dreamt I had become a ghost 梦见我已经变成一个幽灵 I sail above the frozen peaks 我航行在冰峰上 Deep in cold cathedral caves 寒夜兮兮 Across the hills and far beyond the waves 通过波浪起伏的大山 Take the car on the lawn 开着小车奔跑 Fly the jet to the sun 冲向阳光 And bring the spacecraft 很快将架上飞船 n soon while I play chess with the moon 我将与月亮玩耍 I feel like sleeping through this cold afternoon 我感觉在这寒冷的下午睡觉 Once in 1964 (Sailboats wish they were stars) 曾经在1964年(帆船祝福他们的明星) An actress ran on the shore 岸边有一个演员 (Cause they don't know who they are) (因为他们不知道自己是谁) And though you'll never return 尽管你永远不再回来 I love you Audrey Hepburn 奥黛丽·赫本,我爱你 Sometimes I can see your face in the crowd 有时在拥挤的人群中看到你 There are sailboats throughout this brilliant sky 有帆船经过蔚蓝的天空 But you cannot pick them out if you can't fly 如果你不能飞,你就无法摘下它 I'm glad the Earth doesn't care 我很高兴地球人不在乎 If I go up there 如果我去那里 If you want to just ask me and I will take you along 如果你想问我,我会带你去
上一期: Burning
下一期: In The Silence