128期:学习·2015英语补完计划(上) - My English improving plan '15

128期:学习·2015英语补完计划(上) - My English improving plan '15

2014-12-02    43'38''

主播: i大狗熊

23957 1029

“学英语”这三个字,中国人听得耳朵都起老茧了吧?但就像莎士比亚说的:一千个观众,就有一千个苍井空。每个人的情况不同,“学英语”这三个字也代表着不同的具体情况。这期节目,大狗熊和你聊聊他如何起心动念打算在2015年突破英语的故事,这是上集。(莎士比亚:苍井空是谁?你有她微信么?) English Learning is probably the commonest issue for Chinese students, you can heard it everywhere. But it is a unique question for different people, the situation, goal and purpose are different. I wanna share my English improving plan for 2015 with you in this episode, and share the story behind my plan too. * [testyourvocab词汇量在线测试](http://testyourvocab.com)