135期:观点·游戏化生存的时代 - The era of living as a gamer

135期:观点·游戏化生存的时代 - The era of living as a gamer

2015-01-22    58'09''

主播: i大狗熊

22388 629

通过游戏来对破碎的现实进行修补,通过游戏训练自己的合作能力,通过游戏来训练自己可以从容面对杂乱和不确定性,我们的未来,并不会像很多悲观主义者预言的那样,会消失在游戏的虚拟世界里。一个比破碎的现实更加美好的未来会被构建起来,一个我们想要拥有的未来。 Through game, we can fix the broken reality, train your ability to cooperate, know how to deal with chaos and uncertainty, our future will not ruin in the virtual world according to some pessimists, we can build a better future than the present one, a future we want to live in. * 相关 * 音乐:Alex Parks - Mad World * 书籍:《游戏改变世界》 - Reality is Broken * 书籍:《游戏化思维》