139期:阅读·黑天、猛虎和少年派 - Krishina, tiger and Life of Pi

139期:阅读·黑天、猛虎和少年派 - Krishina, tiger and Life of Pi

2015-02-17    41'35''

主播: i大狗熊

6323 540

我为什么会如此喜欢《少年派的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)这部作品?因为神奇的印度;因为“黑天张开嘴,人们在她嘴里看到整个宇宙”;因为“你们看到的只是虚幻的表面”;因为电影片尾中年派那段含泪的独白;因为小说原著那个比猛虎的身影还利落的,充满信任与温暖的结尾;因为这是一部横亘幻想与现实的壁垒的杰作;因为看完这部电影和小说原著之后,我能表达的是那么少,却能想到那么多。 Why I felt so touched after watching the movie and reading the novel: Life of Pi ? Because of the incredible India. Because of the myth: Krishina opened his mouth, the entire universe is contained in his mouth. Because of "what you see is just illusion." Because of Pi's unsaid goodbye to Richard Parker. Because of the fierce and warm ending of the novel. Because it is an masterpiece combining reality and imagination. Because when I watched it, I felt so many things, but I found my expression was really poor.