144期:岁念·岁月不是一把杀猪刀 - Time is not the killer for your life

144期:岁念·岁月不是一把杀猪刀 - Time is not the killer for your life

2015-03-25    97'40''

主播: i大狗熊

35.6万 645

岁月曾经令我们咄咄逼人,现在则让我喋喋不休,可以一期岁念节目啰嗦上100分钟。但它似乎并不像大家说的那样,是一把杀猪刀,因为你也其实并不是砧板上的猪肉吧?我上周刚刚参加完重庆马拉松,在返回昆明的飞机上整理照片时,无意发现了8年前自己的照片,竟然比现在的自己还老!杀死我们的,并不是时间,而是热情的消失、对生活的失控、对欲望的不节制,以及对自己的随波逐流。 Time is a strange thing that made us sharp when we were young, and make me talk endlessly now. But time is not the killer for your life, you are not a piece of pork anyway. I found my photos of 2007, and it looks that I'm younger than 8 years ago! Time is not the killer for your life, lack of passion, out of control of your goal, intemperance of desire, these are the real killer for your life. * 音乐: * Rhye - Open * Deptford Goth - Feel Real * The XX - VCR