154期:思考·学校浪费了我们太多时间? - Is school waste us too much time?

154期:思考·学校浪费了我们太多时间? - Is school waste us too much time?

2015-06-04    35'30''

主播: i大狗熊

46万 904

我决定和你聊一期关于国内学校教育的话题。原先我为这期节目取的标题是「大学浪费了我太多时间」。但我想,可能不只是大学,学校,或者说中国的学校,是否浪费了我们每个人很多的时间?这一期节目,我们来聊聊每个人都经历和面对过的问题:学校教育的问题。 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。 I'd like to share some stories and opinions about education. At the beginning, I wrote a title: Is college waste us too much time? Then I thought, maybe it is not only the problem of college, it is a question for all the period of education. If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking.