159期:对谈·鬼佬住在中国是啥体验? - Why GuiLao find China hard to live in

159期:对谈·鬼佬住在中国是啥体验? - Why GuiLao find China hard to live in

2015-07-09    69'24''

主播: i大狗熊

3033 576

程序员 Lond Stefan 是个长住在昆明的爱尔兰哥们,在这种八线城市住久了,难免会想吐槽一下。恰好这哥们也有个播客,名字还极端大气:Rise of China,于是大狗熊又穿越到了他的节目里,做了一次嘉宾,和他聊聊作为一枚歪果仁,长住在中国有些什么感觉。说明:本期播客全篇英文,没有中文的翻译,如果你能接受大狗熊不标准的英文的话,就请收听吧! Lond Stefan , a programmer who lives in Kunming for years, has a podcast ( Rise of China ) too. He lives in Kunming for a long time, and find it hard to live in. Why? Check it out yourself. Note: This is a whole English episode.