177期:月读·把你的英语用起来 - Put your English back to work again

177期:月读·把你的英语用起来 - Put your English back to work again

2015-11-11    26'38''

主播: i大狗熊

6925 608

对我们大多数人来说,在学校里学英语的过程,是一个陪着其他精英们学习的阶段,可能你也有过想要认真学习的欲望,也有过打开词汇书想要下狠劲儿背单词的决心,但单词刚刚背到 abandon ,连 A 列都还没有读完就已经放弃。有人报名过昂贵的英语培训班,收效也很明显,但如果你像大狗熊一样爱财如命,想用最低的时间、精力和金钱投入来重新拣起已经被扔下多年的英语,那么你需要换一种学习的思维方式。本期“狗熊月读”:《把你的英语用起来》。 需要收到完整的读书资料,请至“狗熊月读”官网 www.readwithbear.com 加入月读会员。 How long since last time you use your English in your life and work? Do you want to put your English back to work again? If you do, you may need a different attitude of learning English from school. That&`&s what we gonna talk about in this episode. This is a lite version of the ReadWithBear Plan, if you need unlimited documentary, purchase the membership at www.readwithbear.com, thank you!