273期:把 OmniFocus 榨干 - Get OmniFocus Done

273期:把 OmniFocus 榨干 - Get OmniFocus Done

2018-03-23    91'32''

主播: i大狗熊

574 49

大狗熊不止一次在节目里推荐过 GTD,也推荐过最好用(难学)的 GTD 管理软件 OmniFocus。OmniFocus 有着高昂的售价,也有着复杂的功能,而中文的 OmniFocus 教程又非常少。狗熊有话说播客的老听众 Sainho ,是 OmniFocus 的发烧友,他近期在少数派网站推出的 OmniFocus 付费教程,在用户中有着非常不错的口碑。这期节目,大狗熊和 Sainho 会认真聊一聊各种对于 GTD 和 OmniFocus 的理解。其中,还有狗熊对于 GTD 边界的感受分享! Sainho, an loyal listener of BearTalk and a a civil engineering student lives in Germany, wrote a series of articles about OmniFocus. As a 10-year-experienced GTDer and 7-year OmniFocus user, I read his articles and keened to have a chat with him about his work flow. We discussed a lot of things about GTD and OmniFocus, click in if you are interested about them.