279期:世界级经验分享集《导师部落》 - Tribes of Mentors

279期:世界级经验分享集《导师部落》 - Tribes of Mentors

2018-05-02    41'37''

主播: i大狗熊

715 66

Tim Ferriss 是纽约时报畅销书作者,也是一位企业家、播客主播与数字游民。他为那些想要成长,但却不知如何开始的人们制作了一本指南书——一本包含了世界上最聪慧的人所提出的最具洞察力的建议的书。你想要听听世界顶尖高手们的成功诀窍吗?这期节目,就是为了你而准备的!本期狗熊月读,Tim Ferriss的全球畅销书《导师部落》(Tribe of Mentors)。 Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, shares the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure book—a compilation of tools, tactics, and habits from 130+ of the world's top performers. From iconic entrepreneurs to elite athletes, from artists to billionaire investors, their short profiles can help you answer life's most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results, and transform your life.