304期 / 和20年经验的老鸟聊UX设计 - Will Grant and his UX Principles

304期 / 和20年经验的老鸟聊UX设计 - Will Grant and his UX Principles

2018-11-15    58'13''

主播: i大狗熊

8291 69

Will Grant 是英国一位从事用户体验设计 20 年的老鸟,创过业,写过书,还在用户设计界最顶尖的机构 Nielsen Norman Group 学习过,有着丰富的实战与理论经验。我在阅读了他的著作《101 UX Principles》(101条用户体验原则)之后,发表了一些关于阅读后的感受,于是我们就认识了。在这期播客里,Will Grant 将和大家分享他在用户体验设计方面的诸多经验。比如“设计师最重要的能力,是共情能力”,“心理模型是影响用户体验的关键”。听起来就很高大上吧? Will Grant, a 20-year experienced UX designer, shared his insights and story about UX design in BearTalk podcast. He listed heaps of common mistakes that a designer should avoid in his book 101 UX Principles, which are much helpful for me to improve my designing skill. How important empathy is for a UX designer? And how to work with marketing / developing guys in the team? You'll find the answer in this episode.