315期 / 精益设计:敏捷与设计的最佳结合 - Lean UX

315期 / 精益设计:敏捷与设计的最佳结合 - Lean UX

2019-05-15    24'04''

主播: i大狗熊

8125 78

精益设计 : 设计团队如何改善用户体验。本书是现代软件设计或开发团队的成员及管理者必读的一本著作,将敏捷、精益创业和设计化思维融为一体,并强调团队应关注产出,而不是功能。 Lean UX is a combination of workflows, principles and rules for modern digital product design and development. It takes the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) from Lean Startup, collaborative workshop from Design Thinking, conversation-based developing workflow from Agile and user-centric design principles from UX design, and ask the team focus on outcomes, not outputs.