May. 25, 2017 #The World Says# 星座

May. 25, 2017 #The World Says# 星座

2017-05-25    10'00''

主播: VOE~感谢沈农idea精英汇

195 3

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: 星座 S: Hey guys welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign languages radio station, I'm Sherlock J: And I'm Jotta I: Good evening everyone I'm Iris and this is Francis. F: 大家好,我是Francis 插曲1 one S: So today we are going to talk about the astrology, or horoscope, or zodiac signs. J: Wow, I love magic most! Well there are lots of words in English to describe it. So, what's the Chinese mean of them? F: 嗯,这些词在中文里就是星座的意思。 I: So in today's program we will bring you some knowledge about Astrology, and hope you like it. S: Okay, so the astrology is more like western thing, and I guess a lot of people think is like a superstition. F: 哦,像是一种迷信。 S: Yeah Yea, but the other way, you know, in China is also popular among our students, especially girls. I: Yeah, I see this stuff in the Wechat all the time, talking about astrology. Speaking about this, do you know how to ask people their astrology in English? F: Isn't it….. What's your astrology? S: No… no is not, the astrology here is a little bit like.. a subject, like… the process how a planet move or something.. J: 所以 astrology 这个词还是代表星象学多一点,而不是星座。 I: Right, so here you cannot just say What's your astrology, the one is What's your sign. S: Right, horoscope, what about horoscope, can we just use what's your horoscope? I: Neither, cause horoscope is like. You are reading a newspaper, I mean, like today, my luck is low.. J: Oh I get it, wow, looks like somebody has done lots of work in it. I: You bet~ S: I'm so glad we do this program with you Iris, cause, ya’know boys like Francis and I really don't know this a lot. And, for our today's show, I also check out some information. F: Just say it. S: Speaking of constellations, in fact, there are two levels of meaning, one is astronomy, the other is astrological. I: Come on, it's hard to understand. J: Constellation, which means a group of stars that forms a particular pattern and has a name. F: 并且zodiac的意思是黄道带,也就是太阳、月亮和行星构成的假想带。 S:The conclusion is that, astrology and horoscope is more inclined to superstition. I've always been against superstition about the constellation. I do not think there is a supernatural power to control the will and behavior of mankind. I: Yes, fate is in our own hands. But sometimes we use it to have some fun is also good. S: I agree. So, could you say something about your constellation? I: Pisces pets are the most empathetic. You could have shared a past life experience with these lovely critters, they have excels in the art of listening. J: just iris is like that, lovely! F: 没错,双鱼座擅长倾听,他们还喜欢和人分享过去的经历。 S:And Pisces can handle many different tasks at once and be successful in all of them. Come on, could I say:It's impossible? I: You can't. Pisces is often a very sensitive, very mystical, and very misunderstood sign. They're highly sympathetic. Ok. It's your turn. S:They just like me, Lance, Adam, Terry, Kenny, Abel, Thomas and Austin. J: Can't imagine that, but it was just an if. I:So you're a Aries. Sounds like my name. Ha-ha. I know that Aries people have the qualities of being impulsive, of being leaders, of being very...impatient. J:They also are natural-born entrepreneurs. They wanna do things. They don't wanna just sit here. They wanna just go and do things. Ok, it's time to talk about my star sign. I: What's your sign, Jotta? J: Capricorn, that's the Goat. S: The mountain goat—highly, highly ambitious. They wanna climb the mountain. J: You get the idea here. It's an earth sign. They're very practical, really organized. F:而且他们通常在生意上以及任何种类的建构上都表现得很好,因为他们是由土星管辖。 I: Wow, it seems you know a lot about Capricorn. F: Yeah. Because I'm a Scorpio. They are similar. J: But there's two different types of Scorpios, they say: the ones that are very high with moral standing, and the other ones that go down. S: So, when you're thinking about a Scorpio, though, you're thinking about someone who's very intense, who is very driven, and who can very much wanna be a part of your life and merge. F: This is somebody who doesn't take anything light-heartedly. J:Oh,Iris,do you know what characteristic of a Gemini? S: Oh? Whose sign is Gemini? J: know... I: Oh, I know. Ha-ha. F:I know that they are always changing their mind. I: Yes, and qualities of Geminis—they are endlessly curious, very social, friendly people, intellectual, too. And they like a lot of stimulation. J: Thank you Iris. Ah, it's time to say goodbye. F: Hope you enjoy our program .See you next time. S:感谢制作苏鑫。 I:如果你喜欢我们的节目,请关注我们的微信公众号 VOE-radio 和VOE外语广播电台的新浪微博,那里有我们往期的作品。 节目监制:周宸聿 编辑:朱子业 夏茂航 张燚铭 余若天 播音:朱子业 夏茂航 张燚铭 余若天 制作:苏鑫