Sept. 20, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Exhausted Life Loving You ——Ode to love of Jacky Xue

Sept. 20, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Exhausted Life Loving You ——Ode to love of Jacky Xue

2017-09-20    13'29''

主播: VOE~感谢沈农idea精英汇

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节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Love, Jacky Xue Sakura: Welcome to VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Sakura. I'm Don. I'm Vanessa. Don: Ten years ago, when I had nothing at all, you saw me as a treasure. Now ten years passed, when I owned the whole world, I went round and round, just can't give up you. To much hurt when I turned away, contained to much unforgetting affections……Thus, please treasure the rest of our lives. Treasure the person that you worth. Welcome to Bloom In Ink, to listen the myth of love about Jacky Xue and Crystal Gao. Vanessa:十年前我一无所有,你却不离不弃;十年后我拥有了全世界,兜兜转转放不下的还是你。多少浅浅淡淡的转身,是旁人看不懂的情深……那么,还请珍重余生,珍重那些生命中,值得再爱一次的人。欢迎来到墨海繁花,与我们共同聆听薛之谦与高磊鑫的一段传奇佳话。 PART 1: Exhausted Life Loving You ——Ode to love of Jacky Xue Sakura: Few days ago, when it was still early in the morning, Jacky Xue tweeted :”when you with me……I remembered……I had nothing……Now I don't wanna seek……we are not young as before……please let me give you all I have……and my love…… “ Only several words with full romance, I think maybe that is what for love. Even divided, even be separated by numerous rivers and mountains , but surely someday, your loved will travel over land and water for you, to come to your world. Just as what Crystal Gao responded:” To much hurt when we turned away, contained to much unforgetting affections…….” Thus, please love each other with all your life, once be a couple with love, always give him or her with trust. Vanessa: Ten years ago , Jacky has nothing ,but only his love. Now, ten years later, he has already owned the whole world, but lost his sweetheart. Whereas he never stopped love her. Every story of him is her, every song he sings is her; The tear he dropped during a program is about her, even the things he think when left are also about her. No matter how time goes on , even the stars fall into the heaven, the heart of him has never been changed. On the scene of his concert in Shanghai, he said :”There is a person, she didn't contact me, but I know she's here.” He took his guitar, and sang a song which moved many people's heart——《Ann and bridge》. Even Jacky and Crystal once divided and don't greet, but cannot forget each other. No need more words, if you well, I well. Don:Thanks to the karma that finally combined them together. They stood there hand in hand. With the romantic warm light under the street lamp, their shadow drought too many people to tears. Suffering at day and night, wish for time after time, we finally get the truth when crossed over the time. While you are still young, and I'm not old, please cherish each other during the short life. If there is afterlife, please be still and wait for me, I will find you as promise. If……if the time we have will never stop, I wanna hold your hand, forever…… 用尽一生去爱你 ——一段薛之谦式的深情 Sakura:不久前的一个清晨,薛之谦在微博上写道:“我记得……你跟我时……我一无所有……我不想再寻觅了……请让我给你所有……反正我们也不再年轻了……那就再爱一次吧……”寥寥数语,尽透着似海深情。这或许就是爱吧。纵使千山万水,咫尺天涯,终有一日,那人也会跋山涉水而来,与你深情相对。正如高磊鑫的那句:“多少浅浅淡淡的转身,是旁人看不懂的情深……”那么,就请用余生去相爱,结发为夫妻,恩爱两不疑。 Vanessa:十年前的薛之谦一无所有,可他深爱着高磊鑫。十年后的薛之谦拥有了全世界,可他兜兜转转放不下的,还是高磊鑫。他所有的故事是她,所有的歌唱的也是她,上节目流泪的理由是她,离开后的日子想的还是她。纵使千万年一去不复返,那么真心那么从一而终的男人心,却从未改变。上海演唱会上,薛之谦曾说:“现场有一个人,她没和我联系过,但我想她应该来了。”他拿出吉他,唱了那首《安和桥》,打动了无数人的心。纵使曾经分道扬镳,不问彼此,可最难忘记的,还是那个一直在原地默默等待的人。纵使没有万语千言,但你若安好,便是晴天。 Don:缘分终究没有辜负这对相爱的人。昏黄的路灯下面,两人牵着手的影子,浪漫的让人想哭。多少个日夜的煎熬,多少次翘首的企盼,终于在时光的缝隙里有了完美的答案。趁你还年轻,我还未老,好好地珍惜彼此,珍惜这短暂的流年。如果有来生,请你在原地等我,等我去寻你。如果……如果有永远,我希望携子之手,与你,一直走下去…… 背景介绍: 有一种爱情,叫薛之谦与高磊鑫。携手风雨,相濡以沫,共享荣华。纵使曾经分别,许诺不再相见,但缘分的引线,还是兜兜转转,将两人带回了原点。时光荏苒,流年不再,一个转身,便已是沧海桑田。愿今生恩爱如初,岁月安好,愿今世执子之手,与子偕老。 结束语 Vanessa:感谢制作任家豪! Don:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to join VOE, and welcome to join Bloom In Ink! See you next week! Sakura:感谢收听我们的节目,欢迎订阅微信公众号时代之声Radio,荔枝fm22808欢迎加入VOE,加入墨海繁花,如果你拥有着对文学的和播音的热爱,就来与我们一起共赏文学的魅力吧! All:Bye! 节目监制:魏镜滟 编辑:魏镜滟 播音:魏镜滟 李硕 唐敏嫣 制作:任家豪