The alchemist35

The alchemist35

2017-08-24    01'36''

主播: 成婷🌈

5 0

"They're called Urim and Thummim, and they can help you to read the omens." The boy put the stones back in the pouch and decided to do an experiment. The old man had said to ask very clear questions, and to do that, the boy had to know what he wanted. So, he asked if the old man's blessing was still with him. He took out one of the stones. It was "yes." "Am I going to find my treasure?" he asked. He stuck his hand into the pouch, and felt around for one of the stones. As he did so, both of them pushed through a hole in the pouch and fell to the ground. The boy had never even noticed that there was a hole in his pouch. He knelt down to find Urim and Thummim and put them back in the pouch. But as he saw them lying there on the ground, another phrase came to his mind. "Learn to recognize omens, and follow them," the old king had said. An omen. The boy smiled to himself. He picked up the two stones and put them back inhis pouch. He didn't consider mending the hole—the stones could fall through any time they wanted. He had learned that there were certain things one shouldn't ask about, so as not to flee from one's own Personal Legend. " I promised that I would make my own decisions," he said to himself.
上一期: the alchemist35
下一期: the alchemist36