

2017-09-04    10'20''

主播: 若雪明

4608 63

Little Tiny or Thumbelina 拇指姑娘 There was once a woman who wished very much to have a little child, but she could not obtain her wish. At last she went to a fairy. and said, "I should so very much like to have a little child; can you tell me where I can find one?" 从前有个女人,一心想要一个非常小的孩子,却一直未能如愿。最后她去找一个仙女,说道: “我非常渴望得到一个小小的孩子,你能告诉我从哪儿可以得到吗?” '"Oh, that can be easily managed," said the fairy. "Here is a barleycorn of a different kind to those which grow in the farmer's fields, and which the chickens eat; put it into a flower-pot, and see what will happen." “哦,这容易,”仙女说,“这儿有一颗大麦粒,它不同于长在乡下人田里和鸡吃的那种。把它种到一个花盆里,看看会怎么样吧。” "Thank you," said the woman, and she gave the fairy twelve shillings, which was the price of the barleycorn. Then she went home and planted it, and immediately there grew up a large handsome flower, something like a tulip in appearance, but with its leaves tightly closed as if it were still a bud. “谢谢,”女人说着给了仙女十二先令,这是大麦粒的钱。然后她回到家,将其种上,一棵漂亮的花朵立刻长了出来,就像一朵郁金香,但花瓣紧闭,仿佛还是一朵花蕾。 "It is a beautiful flower," said the woman, and she kissed the red and golden-colored leaves, and while she did so the flower opened, and she could see that it was a real tulip. Within the flower, upon the green velvet stamens, sat a very delicate and graceful little maiden. She was scarcely half as long as a thumb, and they gave her the name of "Thumbelina," or "Tiny", because she was so small. “这花真漂亮,”女人说着吻了吻它红色和金色的花瓣。这一吻,花儿便绽放开来。她看出,这真是一朵郁金香。在花心丝绒般绿色的雄蕊上,坐着一个娇美优雅的小女孩。她几乎还不及大拇指的一半高,人们给她取名叫做“拇指姑娘”或“小不点儿”,因为她太小了。 A walnut-shell, elegantly polished, served her for a cradle; her bed was formed of blue violet-leaves, with a counterpane. Here she slept at night, but during the day she amused herself on a table, where the woman had placed a plateful of water. Round this plate were wreaths or flowers with their stems in the water, and upon it floated a large tulip-leaf, which served Tiny for a boat. Here the little maiden ,at and rowed herself from side to side. with two oars made of white horse-hair. It really was a very pretty sight. Tiny could, also, sing so softly and sweetly that nothing like her singing had ever before been heard. 一个打磨精致的胡桃核成了拇指姑娘的摇篮,蓝色的紫罗兰花瓣作床,玫瑰花瓣当被子。夜晚她就睡在那里,但白天她在桌子上玩耍,女人在桌上摆了满满一盘水,盘子周围放了一圈圈的花儿,花儿的茎都浸在水里,水上有一大朵郁金香花瓣,作为小不点儿的船。小姑娘坐在上面.用两根白色马系作桑,从盘子的一侧划向另一侧。那画面真的很美!小不点儿还会唱歌,歌声柔和甜美,是闻所未闻的。 One night, while she lay in her pretty bed, a large. ugly, wet toad crept through a broken pane of glass in the window, and leaped right upon the table where Tiny lay sleeping under her rose-leaf quilt. 一天晚上,她正躺在漂亮的床里,一只难看的、湿乎乎的大癞蛤蟆从破了一扇窗玻璃的窗户爬了进来,一下跳到了桌子上,拇指姑娘正躺在她的玫瑰花瓣下睡觉。 "What a pretty little wife this would make for my son," said the toad, and she took up the walnut-shell in which little Tiny lay asleep. and jumped through the window with it into the garden. “这可以作我儿子的漂亮媳妇,”老癞蛤蟆说着拿上拇指姑娘睡觉的胡桃核,从窗户跳到了花园里。 In the swampy margin of a broad stream in the garden lived the toad, with her son. He was uglier even than his mother, and when he saw the pretty little maiden in her elegant bed, he could only cry, "Croak, croak, croak." 癞蛤蟆和她的儿子住在花园里一条宽阔小溪边的沼泽地中。他比他妈妈还要丑,当看到精致小床里的漂亮小姑娘时,他就只会叫,“呱呱!呱呱!呱呱!” "Don't speak so loud, or she will wake," said the toad, "and then she might run away, for she is as light as swan's down. We will place her on one of the water-lily leaves out in the stream; it will be like an island to her, she is so light and small, and then she cannot escape; and, while she is away, we will make haste and prepare the state-room under the marsh. in which You are to live when you are married." “说话别这么大声,会把她吵醒的。”老蛤蟆说。“那样她会逃走的,因为她轻得像一片天鹅绒。我们要把她放到小溪里一片睡莲叶子上。她太小太轻了,那对她来说会跟岛一样,这样她就没法逃跑了。趁她不在,我们抓紧收拾沼泽地下面的那间大屋,你们婚后就住在那儿。”