

2016-05-08    03'39''

主播: 她与

608 19

她与Young Souls-by Broken Back We’re walking through the lands, 我们穿行在大街小巷, Pure souls and dreams ahead, 带着年轻的灵魂和纯粹的梦想, Tell the world here we are, 告诉世界我们在这, A thousand miles away, 千万公里外的地方, We’ve traveled to, so far to play, 我们四处游走,浪迹天涯, We’ve put our fears aside, 一路笑语欢声, A thousand miles away from home, 在离家乡千万里的地方, We are the young souls and proud to be so, every day, 我们日夜为年轻的灵魂放声歌唱, Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We won’t stop, we won’t stop growing everyday, 不要省略,一路必经的成长, Tell them we are, tell them we are ,告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We are the young souls and proud to be so, every day, 我们日夜为这年轻的灵魂放声歌唱, Tell them we are, tell them we are ,告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We’re walking through the lands, 我们穿行在大街小巷, Pure souls and dreams ahead, 带着年轻的灵魂和纯粹的梦想, Tell the world here we are, 告诉世界我们在这, Romantic adventurers we seek to discover, 我们为寻找浪漫的冒险出发, What the world has to hide, 万物亟待探索, A thousand miles away, 在千万公里外的地方, We’ve traveled to, so far to play ,我们四处游走,浪迹天涯, We’ve put our fears aside, 一路笑语欢声, A thousand miles away, 在离家乡千万里的地方, We’ve traveled to, so far to play, 我们四处游走,浪迹天涯, We’ve come to sing out loud, 我们大声歌唱, A thousand miles away from home, 在离家乡千万里的地方, We are the young souls and proud to be so, every day, 我们日夜为年轻的灵魂放声歌唱, Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We won’t stop, we won’t stop growing everyday, 不要省略,一路必经的成长, Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way,我们在路上, We are the young souls and proud to be so, every day, 我们日夜为年轻的灵魂放声歌唱, Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We won’t stop, we won’t stop growing everyday, 不要省略,一路必经的成长, Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We are the young souls and proud to be so, every day ,我们日夜为年轻的灵魂放声歌唱, Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We won’t stop, we won’t stop growing everyday, 不要省略,一路必经的成长, Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We are the young souls and proud to be so, every day ,我们日夜为年轻的灵魂放声歌唱 ,Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上, We won’t stop, we won’t stop growing everyday, 不要省略,一路必经的成长, Tell them we are, tell them we are, 告诉人们,我们在这, We’re on the way, 我们在路上。