外语桥 China's First Same-Sex Marriage Lost

外语桥 China's First Same-Sex Marriage Lost

2016-04-18    25'33''

主播: 240784

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播音: 孙寅 时间:2016年4月18日 节目梗概: Two gay men who lost a court case on last Wednesday in which they had battled for the right to marry have vowed to carry on the fight. It drew the public attention because it is China’s First Same-sex Marriage Case. 2016年4月13日,也就是上周三,中国大陆第一宗同性恋维权案件在湖南长沙开庭,法官在数小时内宣判同恋性者败诉。 It was the first case of its kind in China in which gay people had tested whether same-sex couples have the right to marry. While homosexuality is not illegal in China, same-sex marriage has not yet been explicitly legalized. The lawsuit was brought by the couple, who were challenging the decision of a local civil affairs bureau that had denied them the right to marry. The case was dismissed after an open hearing that lasted three hours and was held before an audience of nearly 200 people, including many journalists. The case was heard at a court in Furong district, Changsha city, Hunan province. Sun Wenlin, the 26-year-old plaintiff, walked out of the court hand-in-hand with his partner, Hu Mingliang, and said he would appeal. 报道称,26岁长沙市居民孙文麟在2015年与同性男友胡明亮在长沙市芙蓉区民政局试图办理登记结婚,被当班工作人员拒绝,他在年底通过代理律师向芙蓉区法院提出起诉,要求判令民政局准予其结婚。该法院于1月5日受理案件,此案因被视为中国“同性恋婚姻维权第一案”而受到关注。 "We gave away our 'wedding' candies after the hearing and even the opposing lawyer took a candy with a smile," he said. Sun had filed the case in December after he was denied the right to marry his 36-year-old partner. The couple had gone to the Furong district civil affairs bureau in June to register to marry but were rejected and told a legal marriage had to be between a man and a woman. Sun disputed this in court, saying the Chinese term yifuyiqi, which means a husband and a wife in the marriage law, refers to the identity of the participants, not their gender. But the judge said China did not have explicit laws concerning same-sex marriage and that a husband and wife could only be a man and a woman under the marriage law. Shi Fulong, Sun's lawyer, said he would like to represent Sun when he appeals. "Marriage is a basic right of all citizens, including homosexuals," Shi said. Li Yinhe, a famed sociologist who is a prominent supporter of LGBT rights, said the fight to realize same-sex marriage would continue. "The result is not surprising but the process will have inspired others to courageously recognize and strive for due rights, despite social discrimination and stigma," she said. Li said Chinese tradition highlighting reproduction was the reason why marriage is considered to be an institution between a man and a woman in China. Online, opinion about the lawsuit was largely skewed against the couple, with some labeling them "abnormal". Some netizens said they hoped such a high-profile court case would not encourage young people to "try homosexuality". Sun said homosexuality was not a choice. "Unsubstantiated fear comes from ignorance," he said. "We are born this way." 世界上最早同性婚姻合法化的是荷兰,早在2001年就通过立法。此后,先后通过同性婚姻立法的国家是比利时(2003)Belgium、西班牙(2005)Spain、加拿大Canada(2005)、南非(2006)South Africa、挪威(2009)Norway、瑞典(2009)Switzerland 、葡萄牙(2010)Portugal、冰岛(2010)Iceland、阿根廷(2010)Argentina、丹麦(2012)Denmark、法国(2013)France和英国(2013)Britain。 英国的全称其实是the Great Britain and the Northern Ireland,大不列颠及北爱尔兰共和王国。It consists of England, Scotland, Wales,and Northern Ireland. 2013年7月,英格兰和威尔士议会率先通过同性婚姻立法。接着2014年2月,苏格兰议会也通过了相应立法。同年3月29日,英国的第一例同性婚姻产生。 英国为啥被称为腐国? 腐国是中国女生叫出来的。 具体解释一下,腐来自日语,有无可救药的意思,现在专门指迷恋男男同性关系的心态。有这种癖好的女生呢,就叫做腐女。而腐国,当然不是说英国是一个盛产男同性恋的国家,而是指这个国家能够充分满足腐女们的需要。朋友们,这只是个昵称,是我国年轻人对流行文化中最显著特点的调侃。就像我们眼中的日本是大宅国,俄罗斯是战斗民族,澳洲是袋鼠国。就像老外眼中的中国无非就是功夫/熊猫国。英国是腐国是观剧之后的结论。这几年,在中国走红的英国影视作品中都盛产男男CP。