暑期听力训练 20170720模仿

暑期听力训练 20170720模仿

2017-07-21    02'20''

主播: Zane李昱岑

46 2

Why Learn English? There are many advantages to learning English. 为何学英语?学英语有许多好处。 English is an international language. If you can speak it, you'll have little difficulty traveling anywhere. 英语是国际语言。如果你会说英语,那么你到任何地方去都不会有什么困难。 And if you can read it, you can acquire firsthand information about what is going on in the world. Mastering English, however, can't be done overnight. 而且如果你会读英语的话,那么你对世界上所发生的事可随时获得第一手的资料。然而精通英语却不是一朝一夕就可办到的。 It takes time and patience. To begin with, you should get yourself a good dictionary. 这需要时间和耐心。首先,你必须给自己找一本好词典。 Consult it when encountering a word you don't understand. Any reading material is fine, but make sure you study for at least two hours every day. 遇到你不懂的单i司时就要查词典。任何的阅读材料都可以,但是务必要做到每天至少读两个小时的书。 Keep in mind that there are no shortcuts to learning English. It takes a lot of hard work, but the reward is well worth the effort. 切记学英语是没有捷径的。这需要下很多功夫,但就其获益而言,这样的努力是非常值得的。 They will also be encouraged to maintain proper physical health with a company sponsored aerobics class on Friday nights. We have also consulted with the Human Resource Department and have hired a new liaison between management and employees. Let's all welcome Ms. Michelle Cain to our team as our company's ombudsman. 也鼓励大家能参加公司每周五晚上举办的有氧健身课,从而保持良好的身体健康.我们也与人力资源部商量过,已经雇佣了一个新联络员来负责管理层和员工之间的沟通协调工作.让我们大家热烈欢迎米歇尔.该隐女士加入我们的队伍,成为我们公司的调查官. Our company now has an ombudsman 我们公司现在有调查官了? Yes, that's right. From now on, whenever you have a question or concern regarding anything that happens during the workday, Ms. Cain will be your advocate. If you believe there is anything inappropriate or unfair in the management practices, the ombudsman will be the first person you seek. She will maintain fairness, equality, an orderly and efficient workplace. Her job is to have your best interest at heart. 是的,你说的没错.从现在起,上班期间无论你们什么时候遇到什么问题或有什么疑问,如果你们认为管理工作中有什么不合适或不公平的地方,调查官是你第一个可以寻求帮助的人.该隐女士都会帮你们解决的.她会维持公正,平等,有序和高效的工作场所.她的工作就是心系你们大家的最大利益.