英音 牛津阅读树 1-01  At School

英音 牛津阅读树 1-01 At School

2017-05-31    00'51''

主播: 魔魔08

2696 20

It was Kipper’s first day at school. (Kipper第一天上学) He didn’t want to go in. (他不想进去。) So he held onto the gate post. ( 他抓住了门口的柱子。) Kipper was shy. (Kipper很害羞。) He hid in the cloatroom. (他躲在衣帽间。 “Come on.” (来呀。) Kipper played in the home corner. (Kipper在房间的角落里玩。) Kipper cooked a Lego still. (Kipper也用乐高积木做饭。) It was the end of the day. (一天要结束了。) Kipper didn’t want to go home. (Kipper不想回家。) What did he do? (他怎么做呢?) He held onto the gate post. (他抓住了门口的柱子。)
下一期: 英音 牛津阅读树 1-02 Getting Up