西湖醋鱼 20180208

西湖醋鱼 20180208

2018-02-07    00'36''


5 0

This dish is named after a large, beautiful lake in the city of Hangzhou. A whole fish gets poached and glazed with a sweet vinegar sauce. West Lake fish is good for Chinese New Year as serving whole fish is considered lucky. Grass carp from West Lake is used in authentic preparations in Hangzhou. The fish is starved for a couple of days to remove any muddy taste from the flesh.  这道菜以杭州城美丽的西湖来命名。整条鱼先煮过,再淋上酸甜的酱汁。中国过年期间饭桌上非常适合上西湖醋鱼,因为一整条鱼上桌被认为是吉祥的(谐音:年年有余)。在杭州,西湖醋鱼的原材料是来自于西湖的草鱼,它有一种特殊的制作方法:先被饿上几天以除去肉里的土腥味。
上一期: 买衣服 20180207
下一期: 退货1 20180208