

2017-06-22    19'40''

主播: 英语下午茶

392 5

The Read-Aloud Handbook 《朗读手册》 你或许拥有无限的财富,一箱箱的珠宝与一柜柜的黄金。 但你永远不会比我富有——我有一位读书给我听的妈妈。 We must take care that children’s early encounters with reading are painless enough so they will cheerfully return to the experience now and forever. But if it’s repeatedly painful, we will end up creating a school time reader instead of a lifetime reader. 我们必须保证孩子的早期阅读经历一点儿都不痛苦,只有这样,无论是现在还是将来,他们才会愉快地回到阅读之中,但如果这段经历反反复复充满痛苦,那么我们最终培养出的,只能是学校阅读者,而不是终身阅读者。 前言 The central task of education is to implant a will and facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grandparents, parents, and children are students together. —Eric Hoffer 教育的核心任务是激发学习的意愿和能力,他创造的不是被动,而是自主学习的人,真正的人类社会,应该是学习型的社会,在这样的社会中,祖父母父母,以及孩子同为学生。 ---埃里克.霍弗。 The Ideal (and Cheapest) Tutoring Plan P4 His mother and father had been giving him and his younger brother free prep classes all through their childhoods, from infancy into adolescence: They read to them for thirty minutes a night, year after year, even after they learned how to read for themselves. 在克里斯托夫和他弟弟的整个童年时代,从婴幼儿到青少年时期,威廉斯夫妇一直给他们上免费的课程,每天晚上为他们朗读三十分钟,年复一年,甚至在他们学会自主阅读之后还是如此。 She and Tad just read to them—sowed the sounds and syllables and endings and blendings of language into the love of books. Each boy easily learned to read—and loved reading, gobbling books up voraciously. Besides being a family bonding agent, reading aloud was used not as test prep as much as an “ensurance” policy— it ensured the boys would be ready for whatever came their way in school. P5 “The best SAT preparation course in the world is to read to your children in bed when they’re little. Eventually, if that’s a wonderful experience for them, they’ll start to read themselves.” 世界上最棒的SAT辅导课程,就是在孩子们还小的时候,会他们进行睡前朗读,久而久之,如果孩子们觉得这是一种美妙的体验,他们也会开始自己阅读。 …a father who read to his daughter, just for fun, for 3,218 nights in a row, never missing a night. 有这样一位父亲,他只是因为好玩,连续3218个夜晚,为女儿朗读从未间断。 P6 Just as they’ve hired life coaches for themselves, helicopter parents are hiring college counselors for their children, costing between $3,000 and $6,000. The counselors are supposed to ensure the “right” school choices are made, and that the paperwork is in order and on time. P8 College admission officers and counselors are feeling the stress as well, but for different reasons. At Harvard, the nation’s oldest university and recipient of the largest number of advanced placement students, a thirty-year veteran of the admissions office said today’s students “seemed like dazed survivors of some bewildering lifelong boot camp” and warned that “unless things change, we’re going to lose a lot of them.” In our pursuit of higher and higher scores, he said, “the fabric of family life has just been destroyed.”
上一期: Phonics-1
下一期: 《朗读手册》前言02