跳跳&妈妈讲故事09My mother's  chair

跳跳&妈妈讲故事09My mother's chair

2017-07-23    04'28''

主播: 英语下午茶

79 2

《One story a day》9 My mother has a favorite chair. She got it from her mother. This chair is very old. It is the only one of its kind because my grandfather made it. One day. My brother pushed me when we were running through the house. I started to slip and ran right into the chair. One of the legs came off! We were shocked. We could not speak. I called my dad at work. He came home and glued it together. He put a clamp on it to hold it in place while the glue dried. My mom came home. We hoped she wouldn't notice but she saw the clamp on the chair. We told her what had happened. She was very upset. Luckily, the chair was fixed. Even though that old chair is much stronger now, we are not allowed to run in the house anymore!