Anything Can Grow

Anything Can Grow

2022-01-14    01'23''

主播: 嘉宝讲故事

252 3

Anything Can Grow When I plant a writing seed anything can grow. Even in the summer I can make it snow. I invent a person who never lived before. I compose a peaceful song when news is shouting war. I tell a tale of unicorns lively under pines. In life I do not have a boat. I sail one on these lines. I can turn day into night. I can do this when I write with my hand in black on white. Anything can grow. 读完以后超有感触的有没有?在作家的笔下,真的什么都有可能!也许就也是嘉宝为什么喜欢写作的原因之一吧!本来从今晚开始就准备好参加的多场精彩假期活动(诵读会、马利美术馆画家导览、《哈利·波特》预备会议——我与哈利·波特的故事专场),皆因突如其来的疫情而停止,遗憾之余还是坚定地遵守防疫要求,不如就宅家看书、写小说吧!相信会是另一种精彩!
上一期: My Heart Grows
下一期: 别着急,停下来