美国丽人 American Beauty · Holly

美国丽人 American Beauty · Holly

2015-05-27    15'39''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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American Beauty-Holly 本期主播:Holly-17岁的高三党 本期主题:美国丽人American Beauty 录制地点:广东 当我们死去的那一刻,回想起的一生是怎样的?生命里的美丽和喜悦,迷惘和孤独在那一个瞬间涌进脑海,比电影的光影更加炫目。弥留之际的最后回忆还将是一个永远的秘密,包含着你最后的渴望,向这个残酷又温柔的世界做一个告别。也因如此,电影艺术偏爱死前的回忆,凝聚人物性格的高光点,做文章炽热的高潮。今天为大家带来的,就是以必死的主人公旁白为开始,以死去的主人公回忆为结束的电影,American Beauty 美国丽人。 作为奥斯卡最佳影片的American Beauty并不是一部很新潮的片子。恍然一瞥,给人一种《洛丽塔》的错觉。全片发生在美国社会一个典型的中产阶级家庭当中,主人公Lester是一个年过四十的男人,被妻子Carolyn渺视,互相厌倦。女儿Jane,一个平凡的女中学生,外表温顺内心矛盾,渴望得到他人的瞩目却不得其法,盲目跟随和模仿着学校里美丽而放浪的少女Angela的一言一行。终于有一天,当Lester遇上了刚做完中学篮球赛拉拉队的Angela时,他立刻被Angela的美丽所打动,仿佛他遗失了多年的青春和活力再次重燃。从此Lester的生活开始发生变化:他勇敢的面对老板辞退了工作,他开始注意自己的形象,吸食大麻精神麻痹,已过中年的他落入了一个未成年少女的爱情陷阱。 于此同时,邻居少年Ricky,承受着父亲过度的控制欲,正以他独特的世界观欣赏着Lester女儿Jane的美丽。他用录影机摄制着Lester一家的录影,偷拍Jane的房间。这样特殊的瞩目让Jane产生了爱情的错觉。两人厮混在一起,用年轻的温暖来化解家庭之中的郁结。 Lester的妻子Carolyn看似坚强,专注于事业,对丈夫的失败不屑一顾。然而,她的内心却渴望着感情的慰借。在对事业和家庭的双重失望之下,Carolyn与一位房地产商发生了婚外恋情。 在这样的组合之中,一系列似是巧合又似是注定的事件正在悄然上演。藏在平静外表下的人性的狂暴,因为Angela这个浅薄美丽的少女的诱因,突然冲出了束缚,有如洪水猛兽一般开始吞噬人们的生活。 尽管影片的主角是Lester,这个可笑可怜的中年男人。然而我们却很难不去注意Ricky,这个神秘的,病态的男孩。在欲望与利益交织的世界里,他对美的欣赏是多么的特别。正如在于Jane的交谈中,他自己所说的一段话, It was one of those days where its minutes away from snowing. And there’s this electricity in the air. You can almost hear it. Right? And this bag was just…dancing with me. Like a little kid, begging me to play with him. For 15 minutes. That’s the day I realized that there was this…entire life behind things. And this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know that there was no reason to be afraid…ever. Videos are poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember. I need to remember. Sometime there is so much… beauty.. in the world. I feel like I can’t take it. And my heart…is just going to cave in. 一个朦胧着泪眼的少年,和路边,一个在枯黄的树叶堆里飘来飘去的塑料袋在荧幕里穿插交织,叙述着Ricky内心里美的样子。确实有一种美的别致诱惑。 我以为影片会保留Ricky和Jane在浊世中独特的美好。然而在影片的最后,Lester的一段旁白,如同一段既定的诅咒,原来这个碌碌无为又虚浮自傲的男人在很久以前也和少年Ricky一样,狂热的迷恋过这个世界单纯的美丽。在他死前的最后一刻,他说 The moments you remember are tiny ones, some you haven&`&t thought of in years... If you&`&ve thought of them at all... But in the last second of your life, you remember them with astonishing clarity... Because they&`&re just so... beautiful......that they must have been imprinted, on like a cellular level... For me it was, lying on my back at Boy Scout camp, watching falling stars... And yellow leaves from the ginkgo trees that lined our street... Or my grandmother&`&s hands, and the way her skin seemed like paper... And the first time I saw my cousin Tony&`&s brand new GTO... And the way I felt when Angela first smiled at me... Carolyn... And Janie. And Carolyn&`&s roses. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it&`&s hard to stay mad, when there&`&s so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I&`&m seeing it all at once, and it&`&s too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that&`&s about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can&`&t feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I&`&m talking about, I&`&m sure... but don&`&t worry... You will someday. 垫乐: Because Any other name We Haven T Turned around 《美国丽人》原声大碟 主播:Holly | 制作,发行:永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片来源网络 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文 荔枝FM 搜索【为你读英语美文】收听