As time goes by | Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡 · 筱思

As time goes by | Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡 · 筱思

2015-12-16    19'42''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

12万 3831

关注微信公众号“为你读英语美文”,获取更多图文资料 本期主播:筱思 本期主题:Casablanca 录制地点: 北京 Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. 世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。 这句经典台词出自电影Casablanca《卡萨布兰卡》,又名《北非谍影》。该片是由华纳兄弟影片公司出品的爱情电影,于1942年11月26日在美国上映。1944年该片在第16届奥斯卡奖颁奖礼上获得了最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳剧本三项奖项。2007年,美国好莱坞编剧协会评选了史上“101部最伟大的电影剧本”,该片排名第一位。 影片在一个旋转的地球仪和法国国歌“马赛曲”的音乐声中拉开帷幕。二次大战迫近,很多被困在欧洲的人们,怀着希望,甚至急切地想要来到自由的美洲。位于葡萄牙的里斯本成为热络的航运地点。不过到达里斯本并非易事,因此一条艰难迂回的逃难路线出现。从巴黎到马赛,越过地中海到奥朗,然后搭火车、汽车或走路,沿着非洲的海岸线,来到法属摩洛哥的卡萨布兰卡。在这里,幸运的人借着钱、影响力或运气,可能拿到出境许可证,然后赶往里斯本,再从里斯本通往自由的新世界,其余的人则在卡萨布兰卡等待着。 The city of Casablanca is filled with foreigners, most of whom are exiles. Though some characters, such as the colonialist French or the conquering Germans, are not in Casablanca as exiles, and the majority are. Rick appears at first to be just another disenchanted American expatriate, but he is actually an exile from America, to which he cannot return, and also from France, where he cannot return as long as the German still occupy it. An exile is someone who can never return home. Along with the idea of exile comes the idea of travel. The movie opens with a montage of various means of transport, including ships, trains, cars and planes that refugees use on their way to Casablanca. These images of hurried travel contrast with images of leisurely voyage, such as a car ride through Paris and a boat ride down the Seine, both of which Rick and Ilsa share during the Paris flashback. Travel can be both a means, as in the case of the refugee, and an end in itself, as in a case of a tourist, but for the exile, it is never ending. Unlike both the refugee going to a new home and the tourist soon to return home, the exile is perpetually homeless, traveling forever. Here in Casablanca, there is the Rick’s café, offering a stage for the main characters to create a complex political and love story. Rick, the owner of the café, is a mysterious and cynic figure. Victor, the Czech anti-Nazi organization leader, and whose wife is named Ilsa. They become uninvited guests in Rick&`&s Cafe. Their purpose is to get two exit visas from Rick and go to the United States. Coincidently, Rick found Ilsa is just his lost lover years ago back in Paris. With their misunderstanding untied, Rick and Ilsa still deeply in love with each other and they have trapped into a tough dilemma. Finally, the deep love Rick has had for Ilsa make him choose to sacrifice his own happiness. In Casablanca’s airport, Rick shot the Germany&`&s major and help Victor and Ilsa to leave, watching his favorite woman leaving for freedom and happiness. 《卡萨布兰卡》是由两首歌组成的一个故事。一首是La Marseilaise《马赛曲》,另一首就是 As time goes by《时光流逝》。法国国歌“马赛曲”的旋律在影片中多次响起,最精彩的一幕就是酒吧中,所有顾客激昂有力地合唱马赛曲,压倒了那些唱着纳粹国歌的德国士兵的声音。在这戏剧性的一幕中,二战不再只是对领土、政权的争夺,而转变为意识形态和文化之间的战争。客人们合唱马赛曲表现出当时的人们对自由、平等、博爱的拥护,体现了影片强烈的的政治暗示意味。 第二首“时光流转”的曲调,也是影片《卡萨布兰卡》里最重要的主旋律之一,但在电影中,歌词只被唱到两次。关于这首歌,导演的呈现方式堪称精妙。第一次是当女主人公Ilsa来到卡萨布兰卡,走进旧情人Rick的酒吧。在她的请求下,黑人乐师Sam一边弹奏钢琴,一边唱了歌曲的前两节。在音乐声中,Rick和Elsa迎来了巴黎之别后的首次重逢。Rick听到Sam弹唱这首老歌时十分生气,就在他训斥Sam时,他瞥见了坐在钢琴旁边侧耳倾听的Ilsa. 后来,在Rick对巴黎时光的回忆中,Sam唱起了后两节。歌声响起的时候,Ilsa和Rick站在钢琴旁,Rick的酒杯里盛满香槟酒。镜头中的Ilsa明显心不在焉,大概那时她就已经知道丈夫Victor还活着。Rick瞟了Ilsa一眼,他感觉到Ilsa正在为某件事烦恼,但在接下来的谈话中,他并未提及此事。此时“时光流转”的歌声和旋律依旧,而这一歌声,也标志着他们失去了一次说出真相的机会,造成了两人间经年的怨恨。 As Time Goes By 时光流逝 You must remember this 你必须记住 A kiss is just a kiss 一个吻只是一个吻 A sigh is just a sigh 一声叹息只是一声叹息 The fundamental things apply 万变不离其宗 As time goes by 随着时光的流逝 And when two lovers woo 当两情相悦 They still say, "I love you." 他们会说:“我爱你” On that you can rely 你可以相信 No matter what the future brings 不管未来怎样 As time goes by 时光流逝 Moonlight and love songs 月光与情歌 Never out of date 永不过时 Hearts full of passion 内心的激情 Jealousy and hate 嫉妒和痛恨 Woman needs man 女人需要男人 And man must have his mate 而男人也一样 That no one can deny 没有人可以否认 It&`&s still the same old story 这只是古老的传说 A fight for love and glory 为了爱和荣誉的战斗 A case of do or die 生与死的话题 The world will always welcome lovers 世界欢迎恋人 As time goes by 随着时光的流逝 The actual lyrics of “As Time Goes By” are also significant, since the message of the song suggests that the world is a complicated place full of continuous changes, but that one thing remains constant: timeless, enduring romantic love. Casablanca does not accept these words at face value but puts them to the test. The passing of time is one of the film’s main themes, and the question of whether love endures is one of its central questions. But at the movie’s finale, time, not love, triumphs. Time and history, in the form of the war, dominate the present and steer the future. If the love between Rick and Ilsa does survive, it will do so only as memory. The significance of the words of “As Time Goes By”, therefore, is that they are ultimately false. The future can and does bring situations that interrupt love, and the fundamental things don’t always apply. (译文)世间万物充满不断的变化,唯有一样不变的东西,那就是永恒、不朽的浪漫爱情。影片《卡萨布兰卡》并没有按其表面意义来展现这些歌词,而是将他们拿来验证。时光流逝是影片的主题之一,而它核心的问题之一就是爱情是否可以天长地久。Elsa出现在卡萨布兰卡城之前,Rick似乎已经不再相信纯真永恒的真情,而后来Elsa在寓所里承认自己仍然爱着Rick,这使影片变得复杂。但最终在影片结尾处,时间成为永恒,而非爱情。在战争的时代大背景下,时间与历史主导前进的方向,驾驭着未来。如果Rick和Elsa尚存有爱情,那它也只是因记忆而留有余味。如此,“时光流转”歌词的意义便在于它最终的不成立。未来能够改变环境、中断爱情,但真实是永远不变的。 时光流逝,真情永存。卡萨布兰卡就是这样一颗明珠,在波折动荡时代的大背景下,折射出人性最柔美耀眼的光辉。 垫乐: New York Jazz Lounge - As Time Goes By Various Artists - La Marseilaise 马赛曲 David Davidson - As Time Goes By Bertie Higgins - Casablanca 部分文字出自《哈佛蓝星双语名著导读:卡萨布兰卡 》 美国Sparknotes编辑部 编;王晓华 译 主播:筱思; 制作,发行:永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 为你读英语美文,Read English for You 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文 荔枝FM 搜索【为你读英语美文】收听